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Singing Wells in Numbers…. News

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Published in: About Singing Wells

…Andy did a litte homework for this one: Number of recordings of groups: 374 (this does not include other recordings like Magic Moments, Influences, etc…) Number of groups recorded: 83 Number of hours of music: 27 hours and 30 minutes.  …

Report from Womex 2013 News

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Published in: News & Views

…splay, and some even got played by some of our fellow Womexians as this photo from Louise shows: I gave an interview for Icelandic radio about the project. And around 150 people entered our competition to win an iPod shuffle – direct from one of our listening station. We’ll be making the draw soon. Cards in the Kalabash   We were pleased to host a few meetings for our friend Guy Morley who used our stand as a meeting place. We were delighted also…

A recording studio which fits into the back of an SUV Story

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…st Hotel in Kisoro, Uganda!) We can also combine the two recording units into one to increase the number of inputs, while still working off battery power. The laptops use Avid ProTools recording software – an industry standard for recording and music production. The microphones we have chosen are industry standard models used in studios the world over but, most likely, not seen in the villages of East Africa. The equipment has been carefully selec…

A quick summary of the Singing Wells Project News

…ibe he’d ever heard. We recorded group after group in awe. As we stopped into one very poor village we stumbled upon Tiny Moses. He had a hand-made guitar. We asked if he played and he said yes. We arranged for him to join us the next day to record. He brought his bass player who beat boxed into a clay pot. He brought DJ. And he played. We brought him back to Nairobi to record. Here is his music and story, which has been shared with over 15,000 pe…

73,603 views on YouTube News

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…was the very first video we uploaded to YouTube following our field visit to the Coast Region to record the music of the Mijikenda tribes.     Is second place is a video from our field visit to Kisoro in south west Uganda where we met and recorded the wonderful Batwa people. The music is performed by Kamuntu ‘Tiny’ Moses accompanied by our Influences artist Winyo.     And in first place with over 21,700 views is ’71 Hours to Monday’- a global tra…

A new type of city Story

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…n the distance. Despite this unconventional type of city,I loved it. There was certainly a lot going on and during the week Akello told us many stories of the vibrant buzz in Kampala. Every night there’s music to listen to somewhere in the packed hub of 180,000 people . The image above of the tin houses and the Uganda House of Commons in the background was one of the first pictures I took on the trip….

The Boy with the Headphones Story

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…Mperwa have settled on a small area of borrowed land just a few kilometres from the town.   At first glance the setting appeared to be spectacular, with the lush valley and terraced hills of local farms as a backdrop and the magnificent Virunga volcanos in the distance. But we were quickly struck by the impoverishment of this small community. As we arrived, a group of women were gathered on a muddy terrace, washing their babies in a small plastic…

The origins of Singing Wells Story

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…t will soon die out, leaving videos and songs in the archives. We also had to work to make this music relevant and important to contemporary artists. A key part of a field visit, therefore, is to bring contemporary African musicians with us to perform with the tribal groups and to write new music influenced by these sessions. Winyo, a wonderful singer/songwriter with Ketebul Music, is one of our Influences artists and has been with us on three Sin…

Day 8: Entebbe to Nairobi and Ketebul Studios Story

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…nting: Drove 8 minutes to Airport. About 600 meters outside airport we had to stop and all get out of van and go through a metal detector. There was a large sign telling us not to bring in pistols and rifles. The van was then searched. At airport, we had to unload bags at departures, take them by trolly to bottom of stairs. Take all bags up the stairs. Find new trolly and proceed to next stage. All this would be fairly straightforward except we ha…

Day 7 (pm): Recording at the Airport Guesthouse, Entebbe Story

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…ened: the rebels arrived to his village and asked him to show them the way to town. In a way this was a blessing, because his family was saved (often, on abduction, the rest of the child’s family would be killed, so they’d feel angry, distant and unable to return home). Once they arrived at the town they wouldn’t let Odika go and it was clear he was a prisoner. He only managed to escape once the rebels believed he was one of them, and stopped watc…

Day 7 (am) – back to Kampala: Naguru to Entebbe Story

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…kum, not far from Gulu up in Northern Uganda, and moved down to Kampala during the war. We love the instrument they played, the Nanga (below) so much we asked if they would join us in Entebbe to record more songs with Akello. We asked them to come with us to our next stop: our hotel in Entebbe, purely because we were desperate to have more time with the stunning musicians we met in the city. During the two hour drive to Entebbe we talked with Watm…

An Evening with Mserego Mwatela Group News

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…have you managed to do this? A: To get the young people involved I decided to go to schools and teach music. I compose new material with my students and come up with something they like. I watch how they dance and whether they feel the rhythms and I try to teach them what I’m doing, but I also adapt to how they feel the music. I let them take the music where they want to take it as long as it is rooted in our traditions. I just watch them dance an…

Northern Uganda: Day 6 – Soroti to Kampala (a driving story) Story

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…ed elsewhere against a take list takes time to master. Third, we then need to very quickly produce 3 camera videos. So during our car rides, we’re linking a group and song to the ‘bounce’ (final audio) and the three videos used in that take. Time signatures are vital here and as we keep our take list, we keep a record of when the videos stopped and started so we can recover quickly. Fourthly, we need to run our blogs and Facebook entries ‘live’ du…

Northern Uganda: Day 6 – Soroti to Obuell-Lira to Soroti Story

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…Uganda Army then re-took control of the area. One of their first acts was to go to each village and accuse them of collaborating, typically killing the men under the assumption that they must have fought with the rebels. For Joshua, this was a terrifying moment because the band was known to have played to the rebels. Again, a group of soldiers came into their village and again their mission was to kill the men and boys of the village. And again,…

Northern Uganda: Day 5 – from Pakwach to Soroti (a road trip) Story

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…s near Acet.. Then there’s just everything else you can carry being hauled to and from the market on the heads of strong women and very strong little kids. It is illegal we suspect for a child of three and older to walk on the road without carrying at least one water jug on his/her head. You see in the distance yellow dots and you are guaranteed to find a beautiful Ugandan child smiling beneath it. The women are altogether different, carrying bask…

ATTA is following Singing Wells News

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…their guest at the World Travel Market at Excel and I met representatives from a number of organisations and companies in the travel and tourism industry operating in the East African counties we are visiting during our field recording trips. I met Nigel Vere Nicoll, Chief Executive of the African Travel & Tourism Association and explained a little about Singing Wells and our aims to record and celebrate the cultural music heritage of East Africa…