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Day One: 7 March 2022 (Shikangania and Mukumu) Story

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…orms in Kakamega town but his popularity goes beyond the Western Kenya region and is frequently invited for shows in Nairobi city. Other members of the Super Phoenix band are Henry Khavuchi (percussions), Catherine Khavayi (vocals), Justice Akumali (vocals) and Bernard Liseche (guitar). Julius is married to Joyna Khamayi and the couple reside with their six children in Chesere village in Kakamega County. During this live show, they were joined by…

Support Singing Wells Page

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…n the field. There may be as many as six different music groups performing on one day and your donation will mean that every music group is able to perform and their songs and dance will be recorded by our field team. Funds will be used to provide for two field-recording engineers from Ketebul Music, a non profit organisation in Nairobi and our project partners. Your donation will also provide for gratuity payments to the individual music groups,…

Day Two: January 19, 2019 From Tarime to Buturi to Bariadi Story

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…e attached to the shoulders, and shake with their shoulders’ movement), Enyandusbi (beads) and the men carried Omuhiyo (wooden knife) and the woman carried Omughango (spoons). The leg shakers were amazing and we’ve never seen anything like them. We recorded seven songs with them (follow links to Youtube): Mantho: About a man who was given money to walk to his destination. He had a long walk ahead of him, but funds were covered. To save time and mo…

Day Four: 10 March 2022 (Rongo) Story

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…s in Rongo and teamed up with Fiston Lusambo to continue our experimental fusion of contemporary elements with traditional sounds of Western Kenya region. Dave and I go back a long way as we worked together on several musical projects under the Nairobi City Ensemble. Other notable projects with Dave were during the period of Spotlight on Kenyan Music, which was a collaboration between Ketebul Music and the Alliance Française in Nairobi. Mention sh…

The Revival of the Entongooli Page

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…the process and skills required to build this instrument, their appreciation and respect for the instrument and it’s music will be all the greater. There is also a great benefit to these young people aside from the unique knowledge they are gaining: free education. Many of these youngsters have managed to gain music scholarships so they can get a free education at their local schools. This project is not only providing a future for this instrumen…

Day Zero: February 15, 2020 – Assemble in Zanzibar Story

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…ngland in 1963. A month later the Zanzibar Revolution occurred. Several thousand Arabs and Indians were killed. Thousands more were expelled leading to the Republic of Zanzibar and Pemba. Soon the islands joined the Mainland Tanganyika and were subsumed to form Tanzania.    Today, the population of the islands is over 98% Muslim. Second, one of our main partners for our trip was the Dhow Countries Music Academy.   The “Dhow” is a traditional saili…

Global Influences Project: Artist Submissions Page

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…this particular arrangement. The piano and gaara add more depth to the chorus parts and pull us away from the shakers’ high pace forcing us to lay back some more. I think the end result leans more towards dodo, at least to my ears.” We love what Stefano has done to make this track sound truly his own. If you want to see more of his work, you can follow him on… Instagram: @stefanositanne Twitter: @stefanositanne Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/…

Field Recording Report by Kahithe Kiiru Story

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…tick; LISANDUKU – a box shaped percussive instrument played with a wooden brush; MUTUNGI – a water container used as a drum; EFURIMBI – a metal whistle. Mahindu, who was noticed for his extravagant 1970s disco style outfit, and his group of elderly musicians played for us five original compositions. We also recorded an Infuences session with Fadhilee on one of the guitars. After Omutibo Benga, the same location was used to record Isilia’s group ca…

Day Three: January 20th, 2019 Story

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…ut farming Watoto wakalime Freestyle on Kulima Magic Moment Busumabudo, focus on percussion https://youtu.be/dHeTdA5m5gQ Group 3: Awilo: The group, which is a comedy circus act, is from Ikungu lya nkoma and performs in the Bununguli style. They are from the Sukuma community and were formed in 1981. They played the Ng’oma and entertained the kids with circus acts involving fire, razor blades, knives, etc… It wasn’t really part of the Singing Wells…

Mumias United Group

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…Mumias United was founded in 1997 by Francesca Odour. They have 38 members and 22 showed up for our performance. They perform in the Imbira style. They are part of the Wanga tribe, which is a sub-group of the Lua, known for their Kings (Nabongo). We performed next to the mausoleum where four kings were buried, dating back to 1700s….

Richard Sewanyana Group

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…mpiira. My village is Ndese, in sub-county Kasawo, of County Kyaggwe. My grandfather used to play the flute in the palace but he was aging and wanted a family member to continue to play. I tried to play with him all the time and learned a few songs. In 1966, I was taken to the palace as a servant boy. My father also wanted to play the flute and replace his father. But he tried to play and failed to learn. But he pretended to play at all performanc…

Super Phoenix Band Group

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…’t Know. This is about politicians who pay lots of attention to voters when it is election time but then are never around to be accountable for anything once elected. It is about the frustration of so many people with their elected officials who do nothing for them. There were two versions: here’s the second: We Don’t Know….

Kizazi Kipya Kidumbak Group

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and secretary but did not participate), Fadhili Faki (director and plays violin), Mohamed Khamisi (violin), Khamisi Vuai (bongos), Khamisi Bato (bongos), Ameri Sefu ( Sanduku – sinle string base), Ahmed Juma (sticks and table), Sheha Makame (shaker= cherewa) Dancers and chorus (all female): Khadija Mohammedi, Subira Hassan, Biubwa Robati. Songs: Bashraf – instrumental Mapenzi Ya Zari Kidege – My bird, love song Shika – popular Kenyan song renamed…

Mohamed Uthman Kidumbak Group Group

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…sticks, Said Ame Othman on shakers, Aikazija Abdala Ame -dancer, Mirianaharus Juma Hamis – dancer. All sang but Mohamed Othman Faki was lead singer. Sanduku , the bass, was a homemade bass made of a large box with a small hole cut out in the front. It had a large stick which the player held perpendicular to the box with a string going from the top of the stick to the top of the box. He changed notes by holding the string less or more taut as well…

Unyago Group

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…out. Traditionally, these were all songs that were part of wedding rituals and used to prepare the bride. Songs about girls becoming women. The singers come from the Wagindo people, who came from Malawi to Zanzibar, probably through the slave trade. When the British stopped the slave trade they then stayed. This band has a strong African influence. The main leader, Amina Abdalla, studied and sang with Madam Bi Kidudi, a legendary singer in Unyago…

Watmon Cultural Group Group

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…e Guardian The Watmon Cultural Group is a collective of musicians led by Amone Watmon Matthew, which promotes the preservation of Ugandan cultural heritage through dance. The group is made up of up to 50 members, the youngest members being only seven years old. Matthew was born on the 25th November 1951 in Kipgum district, Awedi village in the north of Uganda. He was fond of playing music as he grew up, playing the nanga (a harp) in the field as h…