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Chechemeko Raha Group

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…Music of the Mijikenda Kibarani Village, Kilifi, Kenya Group Leader: Bahari wa Katana; performers: Samson Ngari, Magant Murandziwe, Dama birya, Dama Joseph, Kangiombe ngnzo, Kazosi Temo, Faida Joseph Madenje, Dama Rimba, Harrison Kalama, Ruben Katindi, Katana Kidingu, Kabindi Chea, Jumas Ndano…

Supaki Kalazi Group

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…Music of the Mijikenda Junda, Mombasa, Kenya Group Leader: Katana bin Kalama; performers: Agnes Kalama, Dama Chengo, Shida Kalu, Kalame Kathengi, Charo Kazunga, Mwalewa Mwatanje, Mwachiro Mwamuge, Kai, Athami Ngala, Mtawali Kazungu, Kitsao Kiraga, Abraham Mwalimu, Shikari, Amina Hamisi, Eunice Kenga…

Ben Kisinja Group

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…Music of the Kalenjin Kapsokwony, Kenya  …

Sengenya Group

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…Music of the Mijikenda Junda, Mombasa, Kenya Group Leader: Munyaka Chimega; performers: Muratela Kamanza, Newton Dzuga Wale, Salima Tsuma, Mlaa Saidi,-Washe, Ruth Amina, Mapuh Saida Nyama-Wi, Nzingo Tsuma Rua, Samma Mbura Andrea…

ZigiDigi Cultural Troupe Group

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…Music of the Mijikenda Vuga, Kwale County, Kenya Group Leader: Matano Mwachiti; performers: Mwanasiti Mwacheruphe, Nchoga Mwacharo, Mwanasada Joshi, Sauma Mwanyika, Mwanasiti Mwalnlo, Binti Mwadumbo, Iddi Bora, Salim Mwambwaku, Juma Mwanganyawa, Nasow Mwanganyawa, Salim Hamadi, Hamir Kumbayugu, Hamisi Chabindo…

Mperwa Dancers Group

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…Music of the Batwa Lead vocalist: Jovah Nyiramajoro…

Matia Kakumirizi Group

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…’re renting a house. Someone should work so hard to build his or her own house. The neighbours might be difficult to deal with if you rent. “Najjemba”: It is about a woman who was his love but who left him and walked away. “Ensubuko Y’Obwavutulo Twakunkya”: This song talks about morning sleep and about hard working women. Unlike those days when women used to wait for men to provide for everything, nowadays, they wake up early and go to work. “Olug…

Lomut Traditional Dancers Group

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…Music of the Kalenjin Kapenguria, Kenya   Song translations – Lomut Traditional Dancers…

Mr Bado Group

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…at Safaricom Live in 2010. He has performed internationally, including in the USA as part of the Smithsonian Folklife Festival 2014. He released his album Kama Kazi with Ketebul Music. He mixes an impressive combination of styles, and part of his mission is to help preserve styles such as Taarab which are fading on the modern music scene. To do this, he performs at cultural events with his father and brothers, as the Nyerere Wa Konde Music Club….

Buganda Music Ensemble Group

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…g. “Mulirwana”: it means neighbour and the song is about people who don’t trust their neighbours and they believe that anyone that doesn’t trust their neighbours is a witch. “Ssewaswa”: This is about twins Wasswa and Kato, and praising twins. “Anamwinganga”: This was a piece composed by Albert’s father in 1945 and recorded in the 1960’s. It talks about who will attack the king. He has all the security and people are there to protect him so he shou…

Super Phoenix Band Group

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…’t Know. This is about politicians who pay lots of attention to voters when it is election time but then are never around to be accountable for anything once elected. It is about the frustration of so many people with their elected officials who do nothing for them. There were two versions: here’s the second: We Don’t Know….

Day Three: January 20th, 2019 Story

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…n the Bulabuka style. The play drums, which they call Ng’oma ya bula buka. The drums are made from the Mahama tree. We recorded eight songs with them: Balogi Wa Ngamboshi: This is about the Wizards of Balogi, where wizardry is perceived as a negative thing, evoking witch doctors and snake oil salesmen. Simiyu: A song for praise for the region. Bahuni ba ng’wanza: A song referring to local women of questionable virtues Balimi: A song about farming…

Kika Boys Cultural Troupe Group

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the song talks through each step to make the brew that locals consume: Butuuse: The time has come for cutting down the bananas to make local brew Zisobebwe: It means it is time to collect the Mbidde (bananas) Zitandikwe: this means the bananas are now to be buried into a hole dug in the group so they can ripen Siwa Siwa: This talks about grinding the millet on a stone while other people bring gourds in which the local brew will be poured and serve…

Richard Sewanyana Group

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…a. My village is Ndese, in sub-county Kasawo, of County Kyaggwe. My grandfather used to play the flute in the palace but he was aging and wanted a family member to continue to play. I tried to play with him all the time and learned a few songs. In 1966, I was taken to the palace as a servant boy. My father also wanted to play the flute and replace his father. But he tried to play and failed to learn. But he pretended to play at all performances, a…

Tarajazz Group

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…c Moment of Christopher Weston on Cajon and High Hat Magic Moment of singer Regina singing Kasha Magic Moment of singer Regina and Hassan on Sax performing Kasha. We really enjoyed this group. The drummer, Christopher, had to improvise on the Cajon because he didn’t have a complete drum kit. He played beautifully. Hassan also had a great solo on sax….

Elgon Ngoma Troupe Group

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…Elgon Hero Brass Band. When you combine the two bands, the traditional and the new brass sound, Julius says, they blew audiences’ minds. As the bands have grown there are roughly 160 total members of his group, of which 100 are performers. They are roughly divided between the two bands. For income, they do performances and also work four acres of land to feed themselves. Many of the members also do arts and crafts or a skilled trade – Julius’s dre…