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Kijaruba Group Group

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…Kijaruba Group are a group part of the larger Bigilia Group. We met them on our 2017 field trip to Tanzania. You can read more about them on the Bigilia page here….

Kenya: music of the Mijikenda Gallery

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…Images from the Singing Wells trip to the Coastal Region to record the music of the Mijikenda, a culturally related group of nine clans. Our recordings concentrated on the music of the Giriama and Digo clans – a music style renowned for rhythmic percussion, vocal solos and harmonies. We recorded 8 different music groups from the region….

Day Three: February 18, 2020 (Stonetown, Mpendae, Maungani) Story

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…om there we drove for another half an hour to Maungani to record the third group:   Tarajazz – This group was formed by the director, Suleiman Makame, who studied classical piano and music. He became interested in Jazz and created an African fusion of Taarab and Jazz about two years ago. The name of his band changed from Mansule to Tarajazz. He combined African rhythms such as Msewe and Kyaso (both from Zanzibar) with Singeli (a new tribal rhythm)…

Gacharaigu Gitiro Women Group Group

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  Gacharaigu Gitiro Women Group: The group is led by Fidelia Nyambura Mwangi. They are from Munuga Village, Munuga sub location, Muguru Ward, Muguru Division, Kamgema District and was formed in 2006 and dedicated to self-help. Its style is Ndumo, an old women’s dance purely for entertainment and preservation of culture. For all their songs, the ladies used the Kigamba (leg shakers) The group played 6 songs: Ndumo: sung by Wambui Mwangi. Ngucu: s…

Aloka Ohangla Group Group

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…Music of the Luo Aluny Village, East Alego, Kenya Group leader: Otieno Aloka…

Matende Culture Isukuti Youth Group Group

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We recorded the group Matende Culture Isukuti Youth Group, which is led by John Stone Khakabo Asutsi since 2006. There are 35 members of the group. The soloist is Stanley Liai. Their instruments include: The Isukuti Isatsa: The Big Bass Drum Mutibo: The bigger, ‘mother’, of the smaller drums Mutiti: The smaller, ‘son’, of the smaller drums Imbati: The horn Shirili: Single string instrument Tsichenjele: The rings The group dances in ‘processions’…

Ekhunjwe Musical Group Group

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…en Bwire, a local music scholar who acted as our contact person and by the group’s secretary Wilhemina Oduor, this is a very organized group of twenty eight (28) members coming from the different administrative areas of Samia district. Ekhunjwe ya Abasamiawas formed in April 2008 with common focus on using music as a tool for community development. The group promotes traditional African values and acts in both education and local economy. Members…

Kidedeya Group

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…ove to play Mrondogomo: A wedding song Kidedeya: A send off song, a marriage song Kidedeya: Freestyle Magic Moment: Omusingero again…

Baseki Group

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This group was formed in 1975 by the parents of the current band members. They are from the Sukuma Ntuzu community and play in the Bulabuka style. The play drums, which they call Ng’oma ya bula buka. The drums are made from the Mahama tree.   We recorded eight songs with them: Balogi Wa Ngamboshi: This is about the Wizards of Balogi, where wizardry is perceived as a negative thing, evoking witch doctors and snake oil salesmen. Simiyu: A song for…

Support Singing Wells Page

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…project will be spent in East Africa and will go towards supporting music groups during their Singing Wells recording session. Each group receives a payment for their performance, which they can use to help them continue practicing and performing in the future. The songs and videos we record are archived and published, giving each group further opportunities to gain an income from their music. Our Gift to You As well as a special thank you on our…

Irimbene Cultural Dancers and Self-Help Group Group

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…  Irimbene Cultural Dancers and Self-help Group, formed in 2000 with 21 young men, and is led by Edward Kiogura. They play in the Authi style and are from the Ameru ethnic community, from the Irimbene Village, upper Kiungone Sublocation, Abogeta West Division. The group uses Mbere (shakers) worn by Bernard Nkonge, Ginfold Mbae, Amos Munthi and Fraras Ikunda. They also use a flute, Coro, which is performed by John Mwiti….

Watmon Cultural Group Group

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…ad people coming to him asking to be a part of it, and from that point the group became an institution. In the fallout of the war against Idi Amin’s regime, many people were looking for an escape, and the troupe presented just such an opportunity. The group performed for President George Bush during a state visit to Uganda. They were also recorded in 2012 for the BBC’s World Routes album, presented by ethnomusicologist Lucy Duran. Their performanc…

Maisha Bora Suba Group

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Our first group, from the Mara Regio (Roria District) was formed in 2012. They are from the Abhasimbete community. Their style is Rirandi and they play the Zeze/Endongwe (a one stringed instrument similar to the Kenyan Orutu and Ugandan Rigi Rigi), Rirandi (a giant horn, similar to the Uganda Big Wala, but made with 6 gourds, not one), Ekeborogo (flute), the Ekedomwa (drums), Ama’ghorro (huge leg shakers), and Firimbi (whistle). They wore Amahuns…

Day Two: February 17, 2020 (Stonetown) Story

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…song with sexual connotations about the man’s hand being worn out.  Urithi GroupGroup of 10 young men dressed in white robes, blue vests and red Fez hats. Their whole group has 20 members. They are a Suki group which originally came from Yemen. However, these men were born and raised in Zanzibar. They had created this goup in April 2019 to sing and perform movements to celebrate the Prophet Mohammed. Their songs consist of chanting praising Moh…

Likembe Instrument

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…so often affected their communities in the recent past. We next came across the likembe when we encountered the Macedonia Band, also with 8 likembe players. Their bass likembe was a huge 3 ft box. This group was a particularly inspiring as the music of the likembe was able to save lives during the civil war in northern Uganda – read the whole story in our field reports here.  …

Uganda: Music from the Central and Eastern Region Gallery

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…Images from the Singing Wells field recording visit to Uganda 2013. Our journey took us from Entebbe to Kampala, Kidinda, Bukada, Mbale, Jinja and the small village of Idudi near Iganga where we recorded music of the Baganda, Bagisu, Bagwere, Basoga and Banyoli. We were fortunate to receive sponsorship from The Mara Group and Gorilla Tours for this visit and many of our photos feature our thank you message to both organisations.  …