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Ker Kal Kwaro Group

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…Music of the Acholi Paibona Tugu village, Awach, Northern Uganda…

Joginda Boys Group

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…Music of the Luo Aluny Village, East Alego, Kenya Group Leader: Organda Joginda…

Anyim Lac Group

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…Music of the Acholi Paibona Tugu village, Awach, Northern Uganda…

Aloka Ohangla Group Group

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…Music of the Luo Aluny Village, East Alego, Kenya Group leader: Otieno Aloka…

Waroco Tewaro Group

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…Music of the Acholi Paibona Tugu village, Awach, Northern Uganda…

Cieng Dwong Group

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…Music of the Langi Fort Murchison, near Pakwach, Uganda…

Day 1 – Saturday 1st July 2017 Story

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…ng economically. According to what was explained by Rapasa, who also makes the instruments, we identified 9 stages of nyatiti making. This would later facilitate following the instrument makers narratives and allow for comparison. Other pertinent information provided by Rapasa during our drive to Kisumu included the types of trees used for nyatiti (with vernacular terms), the symbolism behind nyatiti’s shape (resembles the traditional Luo hut shap…

Introduction: Project overview and objectives Story

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…ining for beginners interested in learning their particular instruments. Thus, the focal areas for research and filming are instrument fabrication and assembly; tuning methods and transmission techniques. Aside from the wish to record elderly traditional musicians whose skills and knowledge may soon be forgotten, the originality of this programme lies in the idea of documenting the traditional ways of fabricating and assembling a particular instru

Day 9 – Sunday 9th July 2017 Story

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…f the Masters of the Nyatiti programme included a side segment focusing on the orutu ‐ a one‐string fiddle from the same community. Because of time limitations, this could not be done fully; yet the idea of instrument comparison remained and was reintroduced through an instrument comparison forum held on day 8 at the GoDown Arts Centre in Nairobi. We compared five instruments as follows, each represented by a master musician: Nyatiti – represented…

Adungu Instrument

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…ween 7 and 10 or more strings. They vary in size between smaller instruments, played close to the body and the larger bass adungu, on which the player can sit.   The sound box is commonly covered in animal hide, and is also at times used as a percussion instrument – by a musician sitting behind the adungu, hitting it with a beater.   We are pleased to have an Adungu as part of the Singing Wells instrument library. It is currently in our London stu…

Instruments Introduction Page

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…ged by their ethnicity, their recording location and the type (simply broken down into Stringed, percussion or wind at present). This also makes it easy to find links between instruments – the Rigi Rigi and the Orutu being very similar is one good example. We hope to find more instruments as we record more throughout East Africa, and as we do, we will bring them to you through this page.    …

Fadhilee Itulya Staff Profile

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…t find the guitar-plucking amusing, especially when he wanted to listen to the news on radio. After high school he worked as a construction worker to fend for himself. Meanwhile he mastered his guitar, volunteering to teach kids music at the neighbouring Soweto slums. He continued offering private guitar lessons even after joining the University of Nairobi, where he is studying International Relations and Diplomacy. His first break in professional…