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How to Map 2: The Map Outline News

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…the Add Data icon. This will open a box; click this icon till you reach ‘Home – Documents/ArcGIS’: From here click on Folder Connections. This is where you will connect folders from elsewhere on your computer to ArcMap. Click on this icon: and select the folder where all of your GIS files are to be saved, in this case C:\How To Map. The folder will appear under Folder Connections. You can now go into the folder to add the map outline shapefile to…

From Kisoro to Nairobi to Lake Victoria Story

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…we end up with the whole village joining Pato in a “1-2-3 Clap”. This is sometimes a hundred people. Rwandan and Ugandan Hills: We climbed them. We drove over them. We drove around them. And we recorded music on top of them. But we never got tired of the beauty of the hills around us. In the morning, the clouds were trapped in the valleys and in the evening the clouds climbed a bit to shroud hill tops in mist. Power and Locusts and Rain: In Kisoro…

Day 6: The Studio @ Traveller’s Rest Hotel, Kisoro Story

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…ly hours of the following morning causing the power cut which lasted the same length of time). Their wait allowed us to capture some photos of their members which demonstrate wonderfully the age range across the group and the fact that music here in Africa is for the whole community, from the very young to their much respected elders. This lady was one of the principal dancers and she out performed many of the younger members of the group… You can…

Day 4 (later): Recording for ‘Influences’ with the Birara Dancers Story

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…that we are putting these fantastic musicians into an alien environment. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. With the Birara Dancers over the three days we worked with them it worked very well. Here they are on the first night. One thing to remember, which will become clear on subsequent videos – every time you see them singing, there is a baby on their back. 90% of the Batwa women we met had a baby on their back. They would sing and dance t…

Kenya (Coast): Day 4 – the road back to Nairobi Story

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met with Guy in UK and then flew down My first time out of Europe. Ngadia met me at airport. I was very nervous and didn’t know what to expect. I could tell there was a lot of poverty – and in UK if you went into poorer neighborhoods, you’d be nervous about everthing. Here it didn’t seem to be an issue at all. It wasn’t easy leaving my bag in the car. I started quite formal, but then the team got some Tuskers in me and things got far better, more…

Kenya (Coast): Day 2 – recording in the village of Kibarani Story

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…o the right of the thatched hut where we recorded … The Music Groups Chechemeko Raha We recorded Chechemeko Raha first thing in the morning of March 30th. Led by Bahri wa katana, the group sang and danced in the Chechemeko style. Wonderful, pounding percussion, a great horn called the Gunda and massive kicking dancing called the mabumbu-mbu. Beautiful singing and dancing from the women and gracious leadership from Bahri wa Katana… Chechemeko raha…

Lake Turkana Cultural Festival 2011 News

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Published in: About Singing Wells

…the costs of travelling to the Festival with the new mobile recording equipment. The main purpose for the Festival, which is hosted by the German Embassy in Nairobi and the National Museums of Kenya, is to ‘overcome tribalism in the region and to promote peace and reconciliation among the local communities around Lake Turkana by giving them an opportunity for cross-cultural cooperation and exchange, both in the preparation and in the course of the…

More Ketebul voices…Steve reports from the field News

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…ing for the Chinese masseuse I was promised… Chechemeko Raha   We were all mesmerized with the group’s last performance, when the gunda player displayed cat like agility with his high kick dancing similar to capoera. This was no simple feat considering that the guy looked to be in his late forties to early fifties! We quickly switched set for the benefit of the camera crew and recorded the second group of the day, Mzinga, who proved to be another…