224 Search Results for: VIPREG2024 today 1xbet promo code Kenya

Teriet Band Group

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…Music of the Kalenjin Kapsokwony, Kenya  …

Day Four: January 21 2019 Mwanza Story

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…style. Camera plays the Kadete (like the Zeze from earlier and Orutu from Kenya). He is an extremely cool cat, who we actually discovered walking the streets with his instrument during the RECCE. We recorded five performances: Changamoto: This is about life’s challenges Mawazo Gakwira: About deep worries Nkewane nsanja: girlfriend got pregnant and came to singer for papers Tudumishe mila: about honouring our culture Raisi Ametamka: politicians mu…

Masirtarit Group

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…Music of the Kalenjin Kapsokwony, Kenya

Guy Morley Staff Profile

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…Guy Morley is the founder and Director of No Nation. No Nation is an independent UK based arts programming and promotion company. Some of the festivals that Guy has programmed include The Big Chill, Brighton Festival and African Soul Rebels. Guy is also a freelance music promoter and DJ. In the course of his career he has produced a radio show called Afro Base, on Juice 107.2 and Totallyradio.com and been the resident DJ in several venues in Manch…

Nyatiti Group Group

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…Music of the Luo Aluny Village, East Alego, Kenya Group Leader: Okumu K’Orengo…

Sengenya Group

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…Music of the Mijikenda Junda, Mombasa, Kenya Group Leader: Munyaka Chimega; performers: Muratela Kamanza, Newton Dzuga Wale, Salima Tsuma, Mlaa Saidi,-Washe, Ruth Amina, Mapuh Saida Nyama-Wi, Nzingo Tsuma Rua, Samma Mbura Andrea…

Fadhilee Itulya Staff Profile

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Kenya, but raised in Nairobi. Fadhilee’s dream is to unveil the authentic Kenyan sound that will be a bridge between what has been there and what is going to come. His love affair with the guitar started with the three chords he was taught by his mother on her guitar. From there he advanced on his own, becoming a nuisance in their house in Saika Estate in Nairobi’s Eastlands. His father didn’t find the guitar-plucking amusing, especially when he…

Winyo Staff Profile

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…yo’, which is a Luo word (a tribe from the Lake Victoria region of Western Kenya) for “a bird”. The reason for this becomes apparent once you hear him sing. His voice has been likened to that of a singing bird. He is a singer/songwriter of great sensitivity and an acoustic guitar player, backed by his 5-piece band of accomplished musicians. Winyo derives his music and musical strength from his fore fathers whose African music was rich in melody an…

Bungoma Roots Band Group

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…to form a much bigger band. They then produced their third CD in 2013, Namusia, again with Soundcheck in Kisumu. They started performing all over Kenya. They are now very well established with houses of their own….

Patrick Ondiek Staff Profile

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…father. He forced you to think about all the people you’ve lost. Secondly, I love the confidence it gives me to expose my friends to new music. They all love the music I bring home – its’s different from what they listen to and so much like ‘home.’ In Kenya, no matter where you live, your village is always ‘home.’ I was never raised there [Bondo], but it is where I will retire. And the Singing Wells focus is about village music. It is about home….

Tabu Osusa Staff Profile

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…Nairobi, Tabu Osusa co-chairs the steering committee of the “Spotlight on Kenyan Music“ project which seeks to discover and promote young talent, performing a blend of African music. The Kenyan government through its Ministry of National Heritage and Culture also supports this project. Tabu is also the Project Coordinator of Ketebul Music’s Retracing Series. Supported by the Ford Foundation Office of Eastern Africa, the Retracing Series is a rese…

ZigiDigi Cultural Troupe Group

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…Music of the Mijikenda Vuga, Kwale County, Kenya Group Leader: Matano Mwachiti; performers: Mwanasiti Mwacheruphe, Nchoga Mwacharo, Mwanasada Joshi, Sauma Mwanyika, Mwanasiti Mwalnlo, Binti Mwadumbo, Iddi Bora, Salim Mwambwaku, Juma Mwanganyawa, Nasow Mwanganyawa, Salim Hamadi, Hamir Kumbayugu, Hamisi Chabindo…

Ayub Ogada Group

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…quently is that of Ayub Ogada, probably the most internationally acclaimed Kenyan musician, whose use of the nyatiti in different musical genres is both original and pertinent for our Masters of the Nyatiti story. We spent the day at his home in Nyahera location, not far from Kisumu town, and conducted a long yet free of form type of interview. Although a Luo himself, Ayub had never learned how to play the nyatiti in a traditional setting. He pick…

Otacho Young Stars Group

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…sic of the Luo The Otacho Young Stars are based in Rongo, Nyanza Province, Kenya. We recorded them on our field trip in late 2011, capturing the music of the Luo people. They performed for us in Dinky’s Resort Club, an old dance hall with a grass arena behind it that made the perfect stage for their upbeat and energetic performances. They performed five songs with us at the resort, including ‘Charles Manager’, a sincere song showing gratitude to t…

Jackie Akinyi Group

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…ed even after joining Secondary School. In 1998, she started singing with Jambo Star Band of Mwanza Town, and while with them, she composed her song known as “Wawili Wawili” in the year 2000. After this song did very well on the Kenyan market, she decided to move to Kenya. It was during the years 2004 and 2005 that she met Tabu Osusa (a music producer), who invited her to Ketebul Studios, where she recorded her first album titled KUNDI, featuring…