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Testing the mobile recording equipment News

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Published in: About Singing Wells

…he weekend, they recorded Samba percussion on the streets of Sao Paulo for the new, global version of the Abubilla Music song, 71 Hours to Monday. Check out Jimmy’s blog on their progress: Quick report from Sao Paulo Next stop, Kenya. In March, Jimmy and Andy are taking the recording equipment to Nairobi, teaming up with Ketebul Music to fully test everything in the field in advance of the village tour in November. Tabu Osusa is putting together t…

More on the launch of the Ketebul Music website News

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Published in: News & Views

…a little note about our web design partners at N ebulo Strata who created the new Ketebul Music site for us. They’ve delivered a great site right on brief and within a tight budget which is a big bonus for the Singing Wells funds. Here are a few words from Wesley Burden about the challenge we gave them…… “Ketebul Music required a website design that delivered a strong sense of the colourful music of East Africa and the traditions that their non-p…

Ketebul Music website launched News

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Published in: News & Views

…mplete our first objective and we are delighted to report on the launch of the new Ketebul Music website. When Abubilla Music and Ketebul Music first came together we decided the most pressing need was for a dynamic website which would show the work of the Ketebul artists in their full glory and we think we’ve succeeded in our goal. Take a good look around the site to see how Ketebul Music is working to combine the traditional sounds of East Afric…

SWP Launch Day News

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Published in: Uncategorized

…our project. And thanks also to Hills Balfour and the Kenya Tourist Board for taking me as their guest. Looking forward to updating you with more news as the Singing Wells project gets underway. Victoria Denison….