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Why “Singing Wells”? News

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Published in: About Singing Wells

…ells’ is a very good name for our project which aims to preserve, celebrate and share the unique music traditions and heritage of East Africa.   More on Kenya’s singing wells BBC World Service video on how the singing wells in the village of Daaba have changed the life of the local community:      …

A Year in Review March 2011 – March 2012 News

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Published in: About Singing Wells

…lled to the Nyanza region, recording the Luo tribes, capturing the Nyatiti and Orutu in full action. Please read here for more. We also worked hard to find tribal musicians who were creating music that sounded wonderfully fresh and modern. Much of this we captured in what we called ‘Magic Minutes.’ Below, you will discover the Otacho Young Stars, with their modern take on the Orutu. But then watch the magic of the Nyatiti and Luo drums in two ‘mag…

Music of the Luo: video playlist News

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…In December 2011, the Singing Wells team travelled to western Kenya on the shores of Lake Victoria to record the music of the Luo tribes.   To read the daily field reports from this trip, click here .     Video Playlist     The trip was facilitated by the generous support of donors to our charity the Abubilla Music Foundation.  …

Sad News from Kenya News

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…the musicians we recorded in Kenya as part of the Singing Wells trip, had passed away. He was a master of the Nyatiti and performed for us in the village of Aluny, his final track on the day being a funeral dirge. We send our sympathies and condolences to his family and friends at this sad time. Here is an audio excerpt and video from his performance in Aluny. The news of his passing is painful indicator of how important The Singing Wells project…

AMF receive grant to fund Batwa recordings News

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Published in: News on funding

…ote the cultural music heritage of East Africa. In taking the project to Uganda to document and record the traditional music and dance of the Batwa, we can help to stem the tide which is threatening to obscure the music traditions of this ethnic group. The SWP will ensure that the unique sights and sounds of the Batwa are fully and professionally documented, preserved for the future and promoted to a wide audience through all media platforms. We a…

Singing Wells Project News Update News

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…OCTOBER 2011 NEWS: Here is the latest news and itinerary for Phase 4 – the Batwa and Luo music recording trip in November.   Click on the image to download the PDF:                                              …

Recording music & dance of the Batwa News

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…pulated their homelands, cutting back the forest to provide land for crops and livestock. However, it was in 1991, with the creation of formal conservation areas outlawing all human activity in the forests surrounding the Virunga mountains, when everything changed for the Ugandan Bawta. Unable to live and hunt in the forest, the Batwa were forced to live in areas not suited to their traditional way of life. They became largely excluded from Uganda…

Abubilla Music release fourth album News

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Published in: News & Views

…ng Canasta Club will play tracks to a (hopefully) admiring audience – more news about that to follow.     Click on the cover for a sneak preview – the track ‘Breathe’ performed by the Singing Wells Project’s very own Andy Patterson…….                   Importantly, the album also includes the global remix of an original Abubilla track ’71 Hours to Monday’ which has been released to promote the Singing Wells project and help raise funds for the 201…

May 2011 – Jimmy reports back on the pilot phase News

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…strumentation such as kayambas, marimbas, flutes, horns, various cow-hide drums and shakers. I often point out to the “misuse” of the synthesizer in generation of drums beats and percussion in modern recordings. However, modern technology can greatly enhance these acoustic sources of music if one chooses to start from there. Imagine the sound of the Chechemeko Raha group with that insistent chime of their multi-shakers; it would serve well on a re…

Lake Turkana Cultural Festival 2011 News

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Published in: About Singing Wells

…purpose for the Festival, which is hosted by the German Embassy in Nairobi and the National Museums of Kenya, is to ‘overcome tribalism in the region and to promote peace and reconciliation among the local communities around Lake Turkana by giving them an opportunity for cross-cultural cooperation and exchange, both in the preparation and in the course of the Festival. During the three days Festival, representatives of the Rendille, El Molo, Pokot…

Reflections on the pilot phase by Pato News

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…g that I will find the engineers from Ketebul Music being briefed by Jimmy and Andy from Abubilla Music on the recording equipment that would be used in the field. Unfortunately it was only Steve from Ketebul Music and our director Tabu who had arrived. I was introduced to Jimmy and honestly I was expecting him to be a much older guy. I had met Andy before. Back to my first encounter with my new love. I had read about her on the internet and I met…

Reflections on the pilot phase by Willie Bembe News

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…s own and I say “Good One”. In The Car To Malindi Jimmy the boss checks in and Andy has to orientate me on protocols ASAP. I get the hang of it and I like it. Andy falls asleep a little later. My goodness…..he snores at +3db…”does he have a girlfriend?” I wonder. We get to talk a lot in the car and I realize that Jimmy is not such a stuck up guy after all….he’s alright. Journey is long and on getting there everyone is tired and a round of tuskers…

Discovering music roots with SWP News

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…nres of music. Tabu and I were at the airport to receive James Jimmy Allen and Andy Patterson from Abubilla. I’d met Andy towards the end of 2010 on his first visit to Africa and we’d gotten on fine. I was looking forward to meeting Jimmy. Tall, burly American now domiciled in the UK. One look at him and I saw a professional we could do business with. I immediately loved his good nature too. We ferried them to their hotel and let them recover from…

More Ketebul voices…Steve reports from the field News

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…ndence between Abubilla Music and Ketebul Music. Day 1: The Briefing Jimmy and Andy from Abubilla Music, came to Ketebul Studios for a pre travel briefing and to go through the new equipment and software with Ketebul Music engineers on the afternoon of March 27th. They had flown into Nairobi from London the previous evening. I must confess we started off on the wrong footing: all Ketebul engineers were late for the briefing..! Tabu was especially…

£25K donation from Abubilla Music Foundation News

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Published in: News on funding

…of each mobile recording unit. The equipment list for each mobile set up is comprehensive and has been carefully costed. This is the budget we are working to. We are very grateful to our sponsor and to the trustees of The Abubilla Music Foundation for granting the money to the Singing Wells project which has allowed us to achieve this significant milestone….