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Mariene Traditional Dancers Group

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…ace painting, spears, fly whisks, gourds, and head gear, called Nkoroimade out of cow skin, with Monkey hide. The women cover themselves with green head scarves. The group uses the Kibere (shaker), performed by Jeremiah M’Mbiwiriaft, and the Coro (the flute), played by Simon Muriuki. The group played five songs, plus performed three magic moments: Arabamba Mwarone Mpandi mautine Kirarire: Song about pre-cirumcision; they are calling out to all tha…

Stories Page

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…d some of our articles and stories behind the Music of East Africa. Dive into musical genres, different instruments and the musicians keeping these traditions alive. Picture We manage to take some beautiful photos on our trip. Find out the stories behind some of our favourite pictures we have taken on the field. Community Get to know some of the inspiring communities we have met on our trips, as well as some of the Singing Wells community working…

Day Five: February 20, 2020 (DCMA) Story

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…o a very high level and Fum Faki got an amazing amount of different sounds out of the bongos and tabla. The singer sang in a lovely melodic, haunting way.  Tarajazz and Kirundo Fusion – we had seen these two bands earlier in the week and they came together at the DCMA. They consist of a combination of young students in their 20’s and established senior teachers of music. It was wonderful seeing them work together and improvise two songs. They prod…

Day Four: January 21 2019 Mwanza Story

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…s group, from the Sukuma community, was formed in 2010 and performs with a number of styles: Bukomia Lume, Buchheye, Wigashe. Their instruments are: Ng’oma (Drums), Pembe (animal horns, large impala), Firimbi (flute), and Njuga (shakers). We recorded five performances: Ntale Atabihyala: ‘The boss, who is always wrong, wants to be always right. Just accept it’ Ba Tanzania (Malima):   Praising country, encouraging farmers and hard work – this song h…

Unyago Group

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…lves – very suggestive songs but using innuendo, so all deniable if called out. Traditionally, these were all songs that were part of wedding rituals and used to prepare the bride. Songs about girls becoming women. The singers come from the Wagindo people, who came from Malawi to Zanzibar, probably through the slave trade. When the British stopped the slave trade they then stayed. This band has a strong African influence. The main leader, Amina Ab…

Day Six: January 24, 2019 From Mwanza to Dodomo to Nzali to Nairobi Story

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…on driving, although we did meet every kind and wonderful Tanzanian police officer on the route.  They wanted to know about our safety equipment, our battery covers, our insurance, our plates, and at times, they just wanted to know what we were thinking. So lovely. So many stops. But we digress. From the Dodoma Hotel, we drove about 90 minutes to Nzali to record four groups: Group 1: Makunga:   This group is from Dodoma and the Wagogo Community, w…

Imachina Group

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…is encouraging the groom to forward and be welcome. Mbabo: This is about everyone coming together for the wedding. Khuchende Pole: This song is telling everyone to walk slowly to and from the wedding so all the people can gather and honour the bride and groom. The Shishebo process – this is about rites of passage, and specifically male circumcision. The songs include: Bikubanda: This is a song that mocks other tribes and peoples that don’t carry o…

Day One: 7 March 2022 (Shikangania and Mukumu) Story

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…according to plan until a group of mourners appeared from nowhere with a coffin of a dead relative that had just recently arrived from Nairobi. Although the burial was planned for the following day, the emotional villagers were already wailing loudly and playing mournful dirges. This dramatic twist of events threw us off guard and we were forced to stop our program temporarily. As required by local custom, we dutifully went to commiserate with th…

The Northern Tribes of Uganda Album

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…roduction to Likembe music provided by the Rubanga Kingom Awach Boys. The youthful energy of Ker Kel Kwaro followed, with our third group being led by an old lady and master of the Adungu (the Acholi version of the instrument – a three stringed lyre played using the chin). Waroco Terawo were our fourth group. A long drive out west brought us to Fort Murchison and Pakwach. We went on further to Widianga village and the Alur Kingdom Troupe. Later th…

Zam Zam Group

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…nd celebrations. It was mainly an acapello performance with one flute made out of a bamboo stick. The singers included: Ibrahim Ali Hassan (lead singer, flute ), Issa Ali Hassan (lead singer), Mlenge Ali Hassan, Othman Mlenge Ali, Afann Mlenge Ali, Iddi Abdallah Mohd, Abdillah Salum Juma (lead singer), Fesal Sleiman Mwalim, Saidi Simai Mkanga, Vuai Juma Vuai. Ibrihim Ali Hassan has two brothers and two sons (youngest is 10) in this group. Songs: M…

Recording, archiving and sharing the traditional music of East Africa Page

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…help make this legacy relevant and fresh to today’s audiences. As a group of sound and video engineers, producers and musicians, we set out on this mission not to become ‘fossil collectors’ and store the recordings in inaccessible archives. We work with musicians to make sure their music traditions continue to be practiced, can be shared amongst the widest audiences and become a source of inspiration for new musicians. Here for Research? Click he…

Namaddu Troupe Group

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…hy do I have to suffer? A woman can’t have a baby so her husband beats her and sends her to the witch doctor who ensures she gets pregnant. She then returns to husband, who has been off drinking, and they reunite. “Kwakira Wiita”: A song about eating new food, particularly millet, after the harvest. But the children don’t stay home and are out all the time, so they suffer from bad spiritis. They need to be home in the house for the good spirits. G…

Bukaala Twesitule Troupe Group

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…rye Musical style is Baganda. Song meanings “Bana Uganda Banange”: It is about a particular brand of beer called Senator Lager. It has contributed to the local economic development because it uses ingredients grown in Uganda. “Abag’ageno”: Talks about HIV and the factors influencing the spread of HIV and how the community can come together to deal with it. Very tragic song telling the story of deaths with man sobbing at one point. “Akabira” (Worsh…

Pius Wafula Group

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…a wooden stool struck with wooden sticks; ENG’OMA – a generic term for drums, they use a plastic water container also struck with wooden sticks; CHISASI – shakers made out of gourds. We recorded five of Pius’s original compositions and were amazed with his rough yet mellow voice….

The Revival of the Entongooli Page

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…isel and a hammer is used to create more depth. All of the bark is trimmed off of this wood during the process to allow for a smooth base ready for the next stage: Cow dung! Getting things Dung! Excuse the pun, but there is no way around this fascinating part of the process! To protect the base of the Entongooli, the maker must smear it with cow dung, coat it entirely and then leave it to dry. This process is to protect the wood from cracking, and…

Matia Kakumirizi Group

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…him and walked away. “Ensubuko Y’Obwavutulo Twakunkya”: This song talks about morning sleep and about hard working women. Unlike those days when women used to wait for men to provide for everything, nowadays, they wake up early and go to work. “Olugend’olw’ebukakkata”: He went to visit a village called Bukakkata. He found a girl who was seeing two men who didn’t know each other. She was still in her parents’ home so she was not allowed to be seei…