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Kathy’s reflections on her Singing Wells experience News

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…tell from the first day they were a professional group, had a common mission and were all dedicated. I enjoyed getting to know everyone and to hear what their views were on the music we were going to record. It certainly felt like an adventure and I was excited to get going. The next day we set off and travelled up to Kitale, Northwest of Nairobi, in the Rift Valley. From the itinerary it looked like it should take us about five hours. I realise…

Kenya (Coast): Day 3 – our final recording day Story

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…central meeting place. Throughout recording, clothes were being washed, iron and hung to dry, meetings were being held, grain sifted, chickens chased about… We felt very much in the middle of things. The corner of the ‘meeting place’, with the rich red earth gradually moving up the light blue walls By this time, we were using the back of the truck as the studio as often as we set up the tent. Folks are gathered around for the second group. Birds…

Kenya (Coast): Day 2 continued…. Story

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…Kalama playing in the Mwenzele style. Wonderful dancing, costumes and percussion… Katana bin Kalama, with beautiful costume of shells… The Group prepares for their performance…   Sengenya The most energetic group by far, brought the house down, with wonderful dancing. Led by Munyaka Chimega, they danced in the style of Sengenya (which bears their name). Non-stop dancing, multiple songs and they didn’t want to stop (but we ran out of video!). Fant…

Kenya (Coast): Day 2 – recording in the village of Kibarani Story

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…the group sang and danced in the Chechemeko style. Wonderful, pounding percussion, a great horn called the Gunda and massive kicking dancing called the mabumbu-mbu. Beautiful singing and dancing from the women and gracious leadership from Bahri wa Katana… Chechemeko raha Bahri Wa Katana The Gunda Player and High Kick Dancer Two Lovely Women Dancers Dancing in mabumbu-mbu style One of the percussionists during break…   Two members rest before the p…

Day 1: The very first field recording day for Singing Wells Story

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…filimbi). https://youtu.be/cvpcFBTaoTo https://youtu.be/3bvGrAulYP4   The Fusion: In this first village we really confirmed the mission of Singing Wells. It is necessary, but not sufficient to arhive the performances of these amazing groups. We must also work to make the songs, the heritage, the culture relevant to today’s artists. Part of that mission then is to help create an East African musical identity to rival the South and West African succ…

On the eve of our very first field recording trip….. Story

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and brought to life what the Singing Wells Project is all about. Let’s focus on the music. After all, it is all about the music and the concert that Tabu organised to celebrate the best in East African Music. This was the concert (actually Tabu called it a ‘meeting’ to celebrate the partnership of Ketebul and Abubilla): Kothbiro: Ayub Ogado. This is the song everyone remembers from the Constant Gardner. Written by the legendary Ayub Ogado. He ope…

Nick Abonyo (the ‘clapper-man’) News

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onour and politeness. They respect their elders, always greet an older person and stand up when they walk nearby. Nick likes going back home to visit because it’s much simpler, clean and safe. He graduated from High School in 2006 from Mirogi Boys High School and then went to University at the MOI Southern Nyanza Campus, graduating in 2010 in Information Technology. In 2008, he moved down to Nairobi and therefore had to travel back and forth over…

The Kalenjin & Kenya’s elite athletes News

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…lagat Lebo (Chela) who is making a documentary for Custom House Education Trust about Kenya’s elite athletes.       An interview with Chela Lebo Chela was born and raised in Kitale, Kenya. She works with the Content House Education Trust to archive the history and progress of Kenyan runners. Chela has been working on the documentary project for the past four years. The programme follows two main runners – David Rudisha who won the 800m in the Beij…

Best of Singing Wells 2011 News

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In 2011 we completed three field recording trips in Kenya and Uganda and also took the mobile recording studio to the Lake Turkana Cultural Festival. We’ve recorded over 150 songs from more than 25 local music groups and uploaded 36 videos of these performances to YouTube (so far). Every performance was unique and special – we loved them all – so picking just 10 songs for a ‘Best of’ album was not easy. Here are our final choices….it’s just a sma…

Why “Singing Wells”? News

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Published in: About Singing Wells

…ells and disappear into the bush. The songs tell stories of Samburu traditions and help the herdsmen keep a steady rhythm while they lower and raise their buckets. The singing wells illustrate the importance of traditional songs in the life of the Samburu tribes people. We think that ‘Singing Wells’ is a very good name for our project which aims to preserve, celebrate and share the unique music traditions and heritage of East Africa.   More on Ken…

A Year in Review March 2011 – March 2012 News

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Published in: About Singing Wells

…the traditional music of their region as they prepare for Olympic gold at London 2012.   To date, we have recorded roughly 150 songs, across 25 tribal groups, with roughly 20 high quality performance videos, and hundreds of hours of local interviews. All of this is gradually moving ‘on line’ in our Music Map of East Africa. (See Discover the Music). More importantly, we now have a fully trained team of Kenyan sound and video engineers, with all th…

Sad News from Kenya News

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…the musicians we recorded in Kenya as part of the Singing Wells trip, had passed away. He was a master of the Nyatiti and performed for us in the village of Aluny, his final track on the day being a funeral dirge. We send our sympathies and condolences to his family and friends at this sad time. Here is an audio excerpt and video from his performance in Aluny. The news of his passing is painful indicator of how important The Singing Wells project…

AMF receive grant to fund Batwa recordings News

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Published in: News on funding

…pproved a grant to support the Singing Wells trip to Uganda to record the music and dance of the Batwa people. We are delighted that our proposal was successful and that the IIE agreed with our rationale for taking the project to the Batwa to increase awareness of their unique music and dance traditions. In our proposal, we outlined our rationale as follows: “The overall aim of the Singing Wells project is to identify, record, preserve and promote…

Singing Wells Project News Update News

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…OCTOBER 2011 NEWS: Here is the latest news and itinerary for Phase 4 – the Batwa and Luo music recording trip in November.   Click on the image to download the PDF:                                              …

Abubilla Music release fourth album News

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Published in: News & Views

…nd when The Saturday Morning Canasta Club will play tracks to a (hopefully) admiring audience – more news about that to follow.     Click on the cover for a sneak preview – the track ‘Breathe’ performed by the Singing Wells Project’s very own Andy Patterson…….                   Importantly, the album also includes the global remix of an original Abubilla track ’71 Hours to Monday’ which has been released to promote the Singing Wells project and he…