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Day Two: February 17, 2020 (Stonetown) Story

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…ce Hotel along the seaside. This hotel is an Arab style hotel, reminiscent of the rhiads in Marrakech with lots of small courtyards.    In the Emerson Spice Hotel we filmed the first two groups in a courtyard usually used for meals in the hotel.  While it became very hot as the sun hit the stage for the second group, the overall setting was beautiful – a lush green courtyard, with incredible music. The hotel was very gracious to allow us to record…

Day Three: 9 March 2022 (Kisumu) Story

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…d up were three musical acts and the first to arrive was Peter Akwabi, one of the few surviving omutibo pioneers from the era of George Mukabi. Akwabi’s rubato musical style was quite a challenge for both Fiston Lusambo and Ben Mukabwa. It took almost an hour for the two to figure out Akwabi’s unorthodox, expressive free style for most of his songs before the actual recording began at 2:00pm. After a few false starts we finished the recordings of

Day One: January 18, 2019. Assemble in Tanzania Story

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…raints. Typically we want the group to be seen by our wide camera and many of the musicians have an attached microphone. While generally this isn’t a problem, there are times when the group is constrained. So, we often do another take which we call ‘free style’ where we take our cameras off tripods, and our video team simply follows the group around as they dance and sing. This provides a much more free feel, although it does mean we can miss part…

The Kalenjin of Kenya Album

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…bum were recorded in March 2012 on location in the field in Kenya, as part of The Singing Wells trip to record the music of the Kalenjin.   The album opens with Ben Kisinja on the Burkandit, recorded in Kapsokwony on the 5th March 2012. Also recorded in the same session were the Chebonet Group and the Teriet Band. We also have a short snippet of The Masirtaret – a performance that was sadly cut short by rainfall – one of the perils of recording ou…

Day Two: 8 March 2022 (Ilesi) Story

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…th the Obasie Palnyang family band in 2018 while the patriarch and founder of the group, Obasie Palnyang, was still alive. By one o’clock the group arrived and our technical team went straight to work, setting up the musicians but before we could start recording, and just as the previous evening’s session, it started to rain. Luckily we were partially indoors so we did not get too wet. After about an hour the skies cleared and we were able to resu…

Elgon Ngoma Troupe Group

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…goma, The Elgon Ngoma Troupe is led by Wilimbwa Julius. Julius is a member of the Bagisu tribe, who founded it in 2009 as a group for orphans or disadvantaged youths. Julius helps these students develop their natural talents to the next level, in the hope of finding work with their skills. He struggled through his teens with no support, but found his way gradually as a musical performer, working with the National Theatre and various troupes around…

Day Six: January 24, 2019 From Mwanza to Dodomo to Nzali to Nairobi Story

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…human shakers! We recorded seven performances: Intro, Freestyle recording of their entrance. Masasi: the celebration song after circumcision completed Nindo: Song on social issues Muhene: Song during girl ceremony where she reaches puberty and now must be hidden from village for 40 days (song acts out how girl learns to reject the advances of men, represented by two men playing shakers) Muziki: A song to gain support of the people for the music a…

Imachina Group

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…village where they live. As with many groups over the last two days, most of their songs are for processions, like weddings, funerals, bullfights or rites of passage. So they tend to play 3-4 songs in a row to match the procession. We asked them to pick their favourite processions and then play a couple songs within these. They played: The Shirembe procession, which is a special funeral for a very big local hero, where you might even stage a bull…

Day Zero: 6 March 2022 – Travel To Stream Story

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…. Social distancing and health protocol guidelines saw the closure of most of the performing venues, thus cutting off the main revenue-generating activities of many artists. However, a number of urban-based performers were able to migrate their shows and concerts onto online platforms, reaching their audiences at their homes via live streaming. In doing so, they created new income-generating platforms, as some of these online acts allow audiences…

Day One: February 16, 2020 (Ngawala Hotel) Story

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…steps to Bi Kidude and to Amina Abdalla, a performer we met on the grounds of the Ngawala Hotel (Coincidently, Ngawala is another name for Dhow), where we recorded three groups.    Nyota Za Meremeta – The group’s name means ‘twinkling stars’. They play in the Taarab style and are led by Professor Mohamed Ilyas, who played at the Serena Zanzibar Hotel for over twenty years and teaches at the Dhow Countries Music Academy. For 50 years he’s taught mu…

Day Three: February 18, 2020 (Stonetown, Mpendae, Maungani) Story

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…A study traditional music such as Taarab as well as Western music. Members of the group: Suleiman Makame (keyboard, director), Hassan Mahenge (Saxaphone, assistant director), Mahsin Basalama (contra base), Christopher Weston (Cajon and high hat), Regina Juma (singer). There was supposed to be a violin player but unfortunately he couldn’t make it.   Songs:  Alamina Dura – The orbit of the Gods Pakistan – written by Siti Binti Saad who loved Pakista…

The Batwa of Kisoro Album

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…southern Uganda in late November 2011. There we met and recorded the music of the Batwa communities. We were so taken by the music we heard, we then invited some of the musicians back to Nairobi to record more of their music at the Ketebul Studios. The album begins in the village of the Birara Community – with the village leader Francis taking the main role on the performance. The Mperwa dancers are included, whose leader Jovah stunned us with her…

Day Four: February 19, 2020 (Maruhabi Palace) Story

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…Chapuo – a long narrow drum held under the arm, a Dutu – a smaller version of the Chapuo and Masewe – shakers worn on the legs. The most notable instrument was a type of horn made out of a gourd.  Performers (all men): Shaaban Mwasi Sekimbuke (leader, plays he Bati -high hat), Haji Mtumweni (drums), Mohamed Faki (chapuo), Hussein Fereji (horn), Juma Nasoro (dancer with shakers on legs = Masewe), Ramadhan Makoye (dancer with Masewe) Dancers and sin…

The Luo of Kenya Album

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This album features a selection of the music recorded as part of the Singing Wells trip to record the Music of the Luo in Western Kenya. The album begins in Rang’ala village – with The Sega Sega band led by Osumba Rateng, and then a Dodo group led by Ogoya Nengo. We next move to Aluny Village – with performances from The Joginda Boys, Otieno Aloka and the late Okumu K’Orengo and his Nyatiti Group. The Kochia Traditional Dancers gave a very visual…

Baseki Group

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This group was formed in 1975 by the parents of the current band members. They are from the Sukuma Ntuzu community and play in the Bulabuka style. The play drums, which they call Ng’oma ya bula buka. The drums are made from the Mahama tree.   We recorded eight songs with them: Balogi Wa Ngamboshi: This is about the Wizards of Balogi, where wizardry is perceived as a negative thing, evoking witch doctors and snake oil salesmen. Simiyu: A song for…

Aynu Traditional Group Group

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…speak their own Lugbara language. Origins: The came into Uganda at the end of the 16th century. They were originally known as the Madi, their current name perhaps came to be used after the intrusion of the Khartoum Arab slaves in the second half of the 19th century. Their origins are described in relation to their belief in mythology: with God’s creation of Meme and the universe. The first two human beings Gboro-Gboro (male) and Meme (female) are…