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Ketebul Music website launched News

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Published in: News & Views

Great news to report today. Initial funds to the Singing Wells project have been used to complete our first objective and we are delighted to report on the launch of the new Ketebul Music website. When Abubilla Music and Ketebul Music first came together we decided the most pressing need was for a dynamic website which would show the work of the Ketebul artists in their full glory and we think we’ve succeeded in our goal. Take a good look around…

SWP Launch Day News

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Published in: Uncategorized

…peech from Mr Ngare about Kenya’s progress and the special relationship it shares with the UK. It made me feel very positive about the Singing Wells project and the connection we are making between London and Nairobi through music. So a big thank you to the High Commission, particularly to Wanja Michuki, Principal Counsellor for Trade and Economic Affairs who was delightful to meet and very supportive of our project. And thanks also to Hills Balfo…