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How to Map 2: The Map Outline News

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….zip file open and hopefully you’re looking at your shapefiles without quaking in your slippers. The next thing to do is save them somewhere sensible: on the C: drive. Within the folder you’ve created for the project (mine is called How To Map), create a folder called Country Outlines. Within this make a folder called UK, and within that, copy and paste the shapefiles. The address where your shapefiles are saved is now: C:\How To Map\Country Outli…

Victoria’s reflections on the music of the Batwa Story

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…s an interesting one, for different reasons. We took another route back, joining the main road between Kampala and Kisoro. The road is a good one under normal conditions but was currently being resurfaced. In many places it had been completely dug up and was a mix of loose stones and soil. And it was raining heavily again. Water and mud was gushing at speed down the hillside onto the road. At times we were negotiating a small, fast flowing river….

Return of the Batwa @ Ketebul Music Studios Story

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…lked about the Batwa and how much we loved the singers. We thought about bringing them to Nairobi sometime in the future. We then decided the future is now and called Henry Neza to see if he would be willing to travel with a selection of singers to Nairobi. We told him if he left immediately he would probably make it back to Nairobi at the same time we did. We called him on Monday the 28th of November, hoping he could make it to Nairobi by the 2nd…

Day 3: Homa Bay and the Kochia Dancers Story

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…of opportunities to wash and you’ll notice a lot shots of us in the same Singing Wells t-shirt – but luckily not yet fish. Fish would turn their noses at us. Our set, below, with recording equipment set up under the bar and the dancers ready to do their stuff… The Kochia Dancers Today is all about dances, so our videos will be much better than still photographs. Let us introduce you to the dancers; here in full glory are the Kochia Dancers who da…

Day 2: Focus on the Nyatiti, Orutu and DRUMS! Story

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…turing Oganda Joginda, in the Nyatiti Style (most styles are named after main instrument) This was wonderful Nyatiti music, with Organda Joginda at the heart, playing ‘bass’ with the Nyatiti and percussion with his leg ‘snares’ and the kick drum with his big toe (with a metal ring on it) banging on the bottom of the Nyatiti. The rest of the band added claps, dancing and wonderful backing vocals. We took a while to set up and the band took a nice b…

Day 1: The music of the Luo – starting at Rang’ala Village Story

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…ulation. The Sega Sega Band Led by Osumba Rateng. This is Benga style, originating from the Luo tribes, as they gradually built on the percussive/bass sounds of the Nytati to form something more bluesy; it morphs later into Rumba, which combines Benga and also Congolese music which is in turn heavily influenced by Cuban music. The big guy in Luo Benga was Daniel Owino Misiani who developed the style in the 60’s. A big reason to return to Luo-lands…

From Kisoro to Nairobi to Lake Victoria Story

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…bly and consistently, in every village, we end up with the whole village joining Pato in a “1-2-3 Clap”. This is sometimes a hundred people. Rwandan and Ugandan Hills: We climbed them. We drove over them. We drove around them. And we recorded music on top of them. But we never got tired of the beauty of the hills around us. In the morning, the clouds were trapped in the valleys and in the evening the clouds climbed a bit to shroud hill tops in mis…

Day 6: The Studio @ Traveller’s Rest Hotel, Kisoro Story

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…ces’ sessions with Francis, but we love this one, with Jessie and Francis singing together in the gardens of the Traveller’s Rest hotel in Kisoro. Please listen before reading the blog: https://youtu.be/c1XBVlNQL6E   We also recorded a beautiful version of Amahoro with Jessie, Francis and the ladies. Francis and the ladies are happy to pose for a series of formal photos (each woman with her baby either cradled or on her back). Tabu and one of our…

Day 5 (much later): The Micyingo Group – guitar and bass! Story

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…parake Yagahinga’, the National Park song, which is a staple of the Batwa singing groups… This man was a wonderful dancer and he took centre stage. For us, he symbolised the essence of how life is for the Batwa today – a very hard life, but a life full of spirited song and dance… and this lady is their wonderful lead vocalist…   https://youtu.be/pZzgr2PXZ3s https://youtu.be/gt4_CaZNN2c Then the guitar and bass took to the stage….if you are wonderi…

Day 5 (PM): The ‘Togetherness Group’ from Kanyabukunga Story

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…was filled with lovely children, here to watch some wonderful dancing and singing. As we unload the vans, the ‘Togetherness’ group are waiting to greet us on the ‘stage’….. The performance is fantastic… here the group are singing ‘Waratsinze Sikota’ in praise of God, but lamenting that the Batwa people had lived in the forest under grass huts, but now live near the streets under tin roofs…. The crew worked hard in the blazing sun – getting close t…

Day 5: Recording the Mperwa Dancers Story

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…ple arrive….and find our cameras and recording equipment interesting… The Singing Wells audio team – Nick, Andy & Willie – start to set up the mixing desk while Patrick and Steve place the mics… The group gathers in place and the lead vocalist starts her captivating performance.. This older gentlemen joins the performance and takes the lead in most dances… While spectators from every generation take a seat for the performance… Here are the videos:…

Day 4 (later): Recording for ‘Influences’ with the Birara Dancers Story

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…‘Influences’ sessions. A word on what we mean. We have multiple goals at Singing Wells. The first is to preserve the vast musical heritage of East Africa, capturing the diversity of music and dance throughout the region. Most of the music is ‘trapped’ in remote villages – everyday in 100’s of villages across East Africa wonderful performances occur as the community celebrates, mourns and remembers through music. But few peopele are there to liste…

Day 4: UOBDU and the Birara Dancers Story

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…with Winyo and Steve. And the SWP team pose at UOBDU proudly wearing our Singing Wells t-shirts We picked up the UOBDU generator and headed to the Birara Dancers, 23 kilometers up in the hills. Along the way, we picked up an 80 year old member of the tribe who was walking from town back to her village. Yes, she walks the 46 kilometer round trip 3-4 times a week, often carrying goods to market or returning with food for the village. This was our f…

Day 1 & 2: Preparing to leave for Kisoro, Uganda Story

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…Studio. Winyo then added a third verse, changing the song from a Londoner pining for Spain, to a Kenyan longing to return to Africa. The full Singing Wells team was in the studio. It is worth re-introducing everyone again, as we will be discussing them throughout the trip: From Ketebul Music   Tabu Osusa, Founder Steve, Project Manger Jesse, Chief Sound Engineer Willie, Sound Engineer Patrick, Chief Video Engineer Nick, Trainee Engineer   Winyo, K…