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A Report by Professor James Isabirye – Indigenous music learning in contemporary contexts: Nurturing learner identity, agency, and passion News

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…a lecturer of music and music education in the Department of Performing Arts, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kyambogo University, Uganda. His research interests include: social constructivist learning and teaching, decolonization of music and general education, and the roles of indigenous practices in those processes….

Fundraiser for Matthew Watmon News

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…a dear friend of Singing Wells, Matthew Watmon is currently in a critical condition in hospital. We are urgently trying to raise funds to support him and his family in this difficult time, and we hope that some of our followers may be able to help us. If you are based in East Africa, please get in touch with Matthew’s brother, Constantine Odida ((MTN) +256-782-236-742 and (Airtel) +256-704-261-037). If you are based elsewhere in the world, we have…

Ketebul Music presents Shades of Benga Online News

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…music, examining external influences from the English waltz to Afro Cuban Rumba and how they helped mould new music styles across Africa. Rumba was brought to Eastern Africa via the itinerant Congolese musicians Edouard Masengo and Jean Bosco Mwenda who’s intricate guitar-picking styles largely shaped the present Kenyan sound, with the Benga playing a dominant role. Currently, you can get advance copies from Ketebul Music Studios or place your or…

Singing Wells Approaches 5 Million Views News

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…ng the traditional music of East Africa to a wider audience. It amazing to see the Youtube algorithm agreeing that this is a project worth showing people! We can’t wait to bring more songs and stories to the world. Keep an eye out on the Singing Wells Youtube channel for the footage and recordings from our field trip to Zanzibar and Pemba….

Recce to Tanzania for our 2020 Field Visit News

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…od people at Dhow Countries Music Academy for helping us with the information and contacts from their database. Getting a private crash course on the ganun from ganun virtuoso and teacher Rajab. In a few previous instances, the importance of Singing Wells is emphasised when someone we record passes on some time after we record them. We were reminded even more of the importance of Singing Wells when we received the news of the death of a musician w…

Central & Eastern Uganda: Day 4, Part 1 – Reflections Story

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using it to inspire new generations to build on it in their own way, as thousands of generations did before? This has always been the core tension of Singing Wells. We have always had two missions. First, and sadly, we must preserve elements of a dying culture. And sadly, we have dozens of the only or last great village performances of musicians who have died after our visit. This mission is sad, but vital. At least future generations have these r…

Central & Eastern Uganda: Day 3, Part 2 – Interviews with Musicians of Uganda’s Royal Palaces Story

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…There was no other schooling for me or other musicians– this was my education and job. One day the Prime Minister, Mayanja Nkangi, came into the palace. He said all the village chiefs of the king, including Buddu, had been arrested. And he warned us and the king, Muteesa, that we must flee. And the king had an electronic machine gun. And then the Prime Minister left and then the shooting started. There were lots of bullets. It was the 24th of May…

Singing Wells Youtube Channel hits 2.5Million views News

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…rere Wa Konde Music Club. This was filmed back in 2011, on the very first day of the Singing Wells pilot trip to Kenya. Seeing the generations of Nyerere’s family performing together was a special moment (his son Mr Bado is also a musician). We captured a great fusion of old and new  https://youtu.be/-MU13FLg_io You also need to check out the Elgon Ngoma Troupe, performing a traditional circumcision ritual dance. Please keep following our channel…

Musisi’s Story, Part 1: The Fall of the Buganda Kingdom Story

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…ke up to the sound of gun fire. At first, I wasn’t too scared and rose to brush my teeth as I always do. But the guns got louder – the Central Government was attacking the Buganda Kingdom and had attacked the Parliament first, which was about a kilometer away from the palace. I realized it was very real when bullets started hitting the palace and the hut where we kept our drums caught fire. People started running around all over and I was getting…

The Return of Bigwala News

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Entenga drums perform with Akadinda Xylophone News

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…erforming in front of King Ronald Metebi at the 25th anniversary of his coronation (available here). At this event they also performed a piece with the Akadinda xylophone in front of the Asantehene (the monarch) of the Asante people from Ghana. A recording of this performance has just become available, and is posted below https://youtu.be/CCQ72al2pEo Fore more information about the Entenga drums, read our series here or watch our documentary of th…

Central and Eastern Kenya: Days 5-11:An Interview with Gregg Story

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…e to care, you have to want to know the music. SW: Why isn’t there more focus on this? GT: I don’t know and it makes me angry. No offence to our partners from the Abubilla Music Foundation, but why it is that you guys needed to step in to make this happen? I’m grateful, but where were we? Why isn’t this our problem? I am concerned that the Kenyans aren’t doing it for themselves. Without AMF, we wouldn’t be able to do it. How do we turn that equati…

The History Of Benga Music: A Report by Ketebul Music Story

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…Bulawayo, who worked as a senior manager at Kenya Meat Commission, and the Russia-educated Jose Kokeyo, who was a District Officer. The seventies were the era in which Oluoch Kanindo, a former technician with the Kenya News Agency and the Voice of Kenya (KBC) grew into a massive music production guru whose dominance and supreme authority over Benga generated many controversies. One of the first big benga bands of that decade, Victoria Kings, was K…

Central and Eastern Kenya: Day 4 – Nkubu to Mukuuni to Nairobi Story

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…is their introduction. The lead singer was Gitari Thura. This is a procession song and is used to energize the crowd and performers. Muntu agitura: Lead singer was Micheni Ndic. This song warns men about being too much loved by women because they end up becoming foolish and unable to manager their manly affairs. [Think back to the ‘circumcision lessons.’] Medley of Mware, Ukiona, Wenda: We then did a medley of their songs to keep the energy – Mwar…

Central and Eastern Kenya: Day 3 – Nkubu to Mariene to Murungurune to Nkubu Story

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…lages, Suri Location, Bogeta Division. They are 11 men, 12 women, led by Cyrus Kirigia. Their style is Kwimbo, and the songs ares sung to celebrate the harvest mostly in August and March. They are from the Meru ethnic community and use the Kibere (leg shakers) and Vilingi (whistle). They performed 6 songs, and were performing in the pitch black of night-time as they sang late into the evening (luckily we bring lights, but unluckily, for the video…

Naizungwe Drums News

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…is endeavours and will be posting about the project’s development, which has been under way for a month now.   We will be documenting the progress of these drums with pictures and videos here, and more details about the project and the instruments themselves are to follow soon so you can stay updated….