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James Isabirye and Tabu Osusa Discuss East African Music News

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…sicians to talk to the audience, tell them their stories and who they are. For almost every festival, I am told by some government official that they want to open the show and talk about culture. I say no. I tell them that the people don’t need to hear from some politician about their culture. To learn about culture, you need to hear from people that live the culture. So I ask the musicians to speak not the politicians. And our audiences love it….

Ketebul Music: A Year in Review News

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…usic Week. This is an annual event and we are going to support each decade for each day, for our five days, for our 50 year history. This will help solve our identity crisis, to give our people a sense of history. Our partners are Hivos, Phat Magazine, Kiss 100 (every Sunday they host two artists from us and talk about the music, etc..) etc… and we will be the main stand, talking about music through a set of panels. Everyone wants to be involved….

SWP Uganda 2013 – our proposed itinerary News

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…the centre, they also live there and till a modest garden, producing crops for their food and also for trading in exchange for other food items like rice and beans. They play both traditional Bagisu music as well as being a brass band. Julius informed us that his vision is to get to a point where they will play traditional Bagisu music in the brass band format. They are well known for their circumcision dance ‘Kadodi’, the pre-circumcision dance ‘…

Group of the Month – Otacho Young Stars News

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…of what looked like an old dance hall – the grass at the rear of the hall forming a natural arena for our groups – one of which was the Otacho Young Stars. We later met the group again, when we invited them to record as part of the Influences series at the Ketebul studios in Nairobi. They recorded two tracks in the studio with Jessie Bukindu. We recorded 5 tracks with the group in the field – one of which was ‘Charles Manager’ sung in English -ab…

The Key to Sustainable Aid in Africa? Perhaps we should follow the music. News

…ities. And most leading thinkers concerned with African development, argue for efforts to maintain village life, to work with people in a village, with all the support that entails, rather than to work with folks who are already displaced, on the move, entering the big cities for the first time (see the Millennium Village Project and some recent commentary about it – and here) The village is the preferred conduit for aid and support. With good wat…

A story of Batwa traditions Story

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…the Batwa people and their culture and heritage in a song called ‘Inanga yabatwa’. During the song, the leader gathers the community together and tells stories of the old Batwa traditions before they had to move from their forest homes – the hunt in the forest and the celebrations and meal following the hunt. In this way the children learn about what it is to be Batwa and so will never forget the traditions and way of life of the ancestors….

A quick summary of the Singing Wells Project News

…is music to the next generation, to inspire them to look to their heritage for inspiration before they look elsewhere. We do this with ‘Influences’ artists… Like Winyo, an unbelievable Kenyan musician that was blown away by the music of the Batwa and couldn’t help but joining Jovah in song: 5. Singing Wells is about bringing together tribal music and wonderfully talented young performers like Akello from Uganda… We brought Akello to Northern Ugand…

Day 8: Entebbe to Nairobi and Ketebul Studios Story

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…thers. Traditional axesa are now cheap wooden replicas. This is not the performers fault – the traditional costumes are expensive and hard to access sustainably. This requires government intervention and while we say committed performers it is clear they are struggling. On the positive side, I was incredibly impressed with how well the village elders have engaged the next generation. Every village had a group of young musicians and dancers. Some t…

Day 7 (pm): Recording at the Airport Guesthouse, Entebbe Story

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…ing soldiers they were taken to Gulu Children of War Rehabilitation Centre for 6 months before going home, partly to make sure the rebels couldn’t find you in your home village but also to help the returning soldiers adjust back into normal life. He said even though he never became one of them, being surrounded by people of that mindset for that length of time left him in search of the meaning of right and wrong. Odika has two other brothers: Okot…

Northern Uganda: Day 6 – Soroti to Kampala (a driving story) Story

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…rd. Jimmy and Pato have had this happen too often. Always set up the truck for Vicki before you arrange seating for children. This is a new practice. We’ve found that setting up camera 3 on top of one of our vans gives us a very good new ‘context’ perspective. Equally, it involves solving a rather elaborate puzzle of guiding a truck through a maze of equipment and children, while ensuring it doesn’t end up in ‘the shot.’ Assume two trucks with 11…

Northern Uganda: Day 6 – Soroti to Obuell-Lira to Soroti Story

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…y their blood lust against the next village where 20 men were slaughtered. For three years, the ‘village band’ played for the rebels and were visited by all the leaders. They refused, however, to play rebel songs or support the rebel side. They said over and over again the music was neutral and only had alligience to Uganda not to one side or the other in the war. There were lots of scary moments when rebels would try to force them to declare alli…

How music archives can help communities News

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…at beside kings’. Chris Kidd is now working as a Project Officer in Uganda for the Forest Peoples Programme. View of Virunga Volcanoes where Batwa once lived Another inspirational example of how properly archived recordings can help communities comes from the work of Samuel Kahunde, a Ugandan student whose doctoral thesis centred on issues of preservation and musical change. Kahunde accessed the recordings of Klaus Wachsmann which had been made in…

Northern Uganda: Day 5 – from Pakwach to Soroti (a road trip) Story

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…roti from Lira you get quite elaborate little weaved hats. These bags are sold for about 30,000 Ugandan shillings, but it takes days to fill one bag. In 600 kilometers of driving we have only seen them for sale – we’ve never yet seen them bought. Then there are the brick makers. Brick making involves at least three major steps. There’s the formation of the brick, typically done near the road, mixing clay and slapping big blobs into molds. Then the…

Northern Uganda: Day 4 – night recording at Fort Murchison Story

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…the fire light, and the flickering flames add mystery and drama to the performance. For some of the music, and we thought about Oramba yesterday, the song are fireside songs. Oramba is a hunter and the song is about the village wondering whether he will come back with a kill. Oramba is fierce, running around with a spear, lunging at the audience. Think about what that would be like for the children as Oramba drifts into the shadows only to fly ou…

Northern Uganda: Day 3 – from Gulu to Awach to Pakwach Story

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…outu.be/eH1v-kwvvaQ Their third song was Songa Mbele, a song about ‘moving forward’ symbolized by all the performers swaying their heads back and forth. https://youtu.be/_ViFUMIwN4k?list=PL6jxUA468Mq-LufC_AhbsGyC-pvBWlmTe They did a final song called Kanyaga Mbele. https://youtu.be/zyeH-PvP7-E We loved this group and they rank in our Top 10 so far for Singing Wells. We loved them so much we recorded a ‘magic moment’ with them and also an Influence…