Kizazi Kipya Kidumbak

Group Information

We drove to Kizazi Kipya Kidumbak in Mahonda and the DCMA annex. Thabit Omar Ali is the assistant to the head teacher and is a teacher himself. at the DCMA. He met us at with the first group and brought us to this one. They sing and perform mainly for weddings and celebrations.

Performers: (all male): Juma Fadhul Juma (leader and secretary but did not participate), Fadhili Faki (director and plays violin), Mohamed Khamisi (violin), Khamisi Vuai (bongos), Khamisi Bato (bongos), Ameri Sefu ( Sanduku – sinle string base), Ahmed Juma (sticks and table), Sheha Makame (shaker= cherewa)

Dancers and chorus (all female):   Khadija Mohammedi, Subira Hassan, Biubwa Robati.


These performers were all from the area and were an authentic representation of local traditional kidumbak music.