Day Four: 10 March 2022 (Rongo) Story
…ents were of utmost importance in making it easier for these rural and peri-urban based musicians to migrate their shows and concerts to online platforms in order to reach wider audiences and create new revenue streams. As we headed back to Nairobi on Friday, 11th March 2022, we had lively discussions on ways and means of empowering these marginalized creatives and on how to assist them to access global markets. They need a conducive environment t…
Contact Page
…House 12, Knoll Rise Orpington, Kent BR6 0PG (Registered charity no:1142173) Ketebul Music The GoDown Arts Center P.O Box 21737-00505 Nairobi, Kenya (A company limited by guarantee. Registered no: 134230)…
Watmon Cultural Group Group
…t Lucy Duran. Their performance was described by Sounds and Colours as an ‘instrumental extravaganza’. Sources: Sounds and Colours The Guardian…
Kochia Traditional Dancers Group
…nkey fur. They are accompanied by drumming, and the Tung’, the Luo horn. You can contact the Kagan Kochia group for bookings on +254 700 600881 Sources: Homa Bay, Kenya Leader: William Odero Ondiek…
Video playlists from Kenya 2018 Story
…ttps:// Bugnoma Roots Band…
Andy Patterson Staff Profile
…composers. He has worked with Abubilla Music for around 5 years and has co-engineered and produced all of the releases to date. His past clients have included the late Gerry Rafferty, Q Radio, Bauer Media and Live8. His role for The Singing Wells project sees him heading up the engineering team in the field. He also works on the post production back in the UK and is responsible for the Singing Wells podcasts. For more information, please check ou…
Privacy Policy Page
…we feel this is the best way to do it. You’ll also notice that all sites are starting to do it. The directive says that functions that are essential to the site are exempt, so sites with shopping carts that remember what you have added etc. won’t have to ask you, but sites like do – and you will notice them asking you about it. The ruling was passed a few years back, and they gave a grace period which expires on the 26th Ma…
FAQ’s Page
…ill endeavour to channel this money back to the original performers. Can I buy the music you have recorded? A selection of our music is available to download from our site. We have one album of music from each trip, and we hope to curate albums of particular styles and instruments soon. To browse our albums, head over here. Where does the money to support Singing Wells come from? We invite financial contributions from private donors and corporate…
Day One: January 18, 2019. Assemble in Tanzania Story
…ge, we do one field visit a year, recording roughly 20-25 groups, and a 100-125 performances. We have roughly 1,000 videos online. Our general setup for a recording is: a) Steve is in charge of audio and we typically have two general mics for the group and 5-6 specific microphones for singers and musicians, b) we have three video cameras operating – one wide shot for full performance, one close up to capture details of instruments and one roving c…
Day 2 – Sunday 2nd July 2017 Story
…he corroborated the idea of traditional taboo concerning two nyatiti players of different generations from the same home playing.…
The Revival of the Entongooli Page
…olved. Aside from this, Mr Mukadisi has a personal connection to this cross-generational project. His father was a builder of the Entongooli, and didn’t teach all the skills he needed to learn to play. In fact, none of the great players passed on this knowledge to the next generation and there is no living player of the Entongooli in this region today. Instead, he has worked to learn and teach as much as he can in the hope he can start a new gener…
Day Five: January 22, 2019 Mwanza Continued Story
…style, where the group encourages the audience to get up and dance Group 2: Kidedeya: From Kagera, this group was formed in 2005 or 2009, and performs in the Omusingero style. Their instruments are: Ng’oma (Drums) and Nyimba (Shakers). This was a group of wonderful dancing and costume changes. Every song a new and wonderful outfit. We recorded six performances: Omusingero: A song abou…
Singing Wells Stories Page
…upported the release of his debut album: The Benga Blues. To listen to and buy a copy of that, head here: The Benga Blues Sagat Traditional Dancers We recorded the music of the Sagat Traditional Dancers as part of our trip to record the music of the Kalenjin in the Rift Valley of Kenya in March 2012. The recording location was stunning. The group performed their piece ‘Chemuso’, which tells the story of the Marakwet people and their journey from t…
Day Zero: 6 March 2022 – Travel To Stream Story
…as some of these online acts allow audiences to support the musicians via M-pesa and Pay-Pal contributions. Another possibility was to sell tickets with the use of online access codes that admit ticket holders into the virtual performance. The result was that a number of live streaming studios where performers book sessions to perform and stream their concerts sprung up in Nairobi. Some venues also adapted to hosting online performances, directly…
Global Influences Project: Artist Submissions Page
…n more about the Global Influences Project, head to SHONA X EKHUNJWE MUSICAL GROUP This next collaboration comes from DJ and producer, Shona. This is our first submission using the beats from the Ekhunjwe Musical Group, and we love how this music has been transformed from traditional dance accompaniment, to a house track that you could hear in any major club this summer! “It was a thrilling and humbling h…
Day Three: Bungoma Town to Kakamega Story
…rform in the Imbira style. They are part of the Wanga tribe, which is a sub-group of the Lua, known for their Kings (Nabongo). We performed next to the mausoleum where four kings were buried, dating back to 1700s. They had lots of dancers and instruments, including: Sukuti: Three drums Ikdengele: Ring Inyungu Isiongo: a pot with a cool ‘drum stick’ like a rubber plate. Ing’oma: skinned drums Manyanga: bottle top rattles Tsisala: Sticks Lisanduku:…