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…, to their villages, to their ethnic communities. They are united in their desires to keep their music alive and relevant, echoing older generations, speaking to new generations. And, of course, they just loving making great music. We are privileged to have helped share songs and stories with millions of people across the globe, and we hope to continue on for the next 10 years so that this music continues to inspire new artists and new audiences….

Support Singing Wells Page

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…42173). Our work to record, archive and share the music of East Africa is funded by donations. Funds are used to support our field recording trips, provide a permanent music archive and also to help the communities we visit gain an income from their music. You can help us support music communities in East Africa by sponsoring a song, a music group or a whole field recording day. The below link will direct you to a Paypal donation page, with paymen

The Revival of the Entongooli Page

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…the Materials Simple but Effective Tools Getting things Dung! Meet the Students From Embaire to Entongooli Part 1 From Embaire to Entongooli Part 2 Creating the Base Part 1 Creating the Base Part 2 Stringing it Together Check back soon for more episodes of our Revival of the Entongooli journey! A Musical Education What makes this project so different from any of the other revival projects we have documented, is how focused this project is on youn

Aynu Traditional Group Group

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…toum Arab slaves in the second half of the 19th century. Their origins are described in relation to their belief in mythology: with God’s creation of Meme and the universe. The first two human beings Gboro-Gboro (male) and Meme (female) are said to have been superhuman. Some traditions only speak of Meme, whose womb God filled with the living things in the world. Customs: They are traditionally a farming people and are the predominant keepers of g…

Day 9 – Sunday 9th July 2017 Story

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…Arts Centre in Nairobi. We compared five instruments as follows, each represented by a master musician: Nyatiti – represented by Samson Otieno of Bomas of Kenya; Obokano – represented by Dominic Ogari; Litungu – an 7 string traditional lyre from the Luhya community, represented by Jackson Ingosi (Ingosi Junior); Kodo – represented by Olith Ratego who created the instrument; Classical guitar – represented by Peter Akwabi. Aside from the classical

Day One: 7 March 2022 (Shikangania and Mukumu) Story

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…disappeared into the dark night, one by one. We drove back to Josephine Garden at Ilesi where we spent our second night. Profile: Super Phoenix Band Julius Khamoyi Shivaji was born on June 5th 1966 in Shisalachi, Ikholomani sub-location in Kakamega County. He started his musical journey in 1990 as a member of the choir at his local church. He took up the stage name Itenya in 1999 when he joined the Phoenix Success band led by veteran musician Jaco…

Day Three: 9 March 2022 (Kisumu) Story

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…stage was Olith Ratego, a musician whose unique dodo style is one of the oldest forms of music performed by the Luo people of Western Kenya. Olith Ratego is a self-taught musician who plays a musical instrument fashioned by himself. It is a replica of the nyatiti (an eight stringed traditional lyre), which he calls okoddo and is modified to the pentatonic scale. Olith Ratego’s recording session went uninterrupted and was completed shortly before 6…

Day Four: 10 March 2022 (Rongo) Story

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…to Rongo using the newly re-carpeted Katito-Kendu Bay road. We reached our destination in no time, given the vastly improved road network in the region. Along the way, we passed through Rodi Kopany, a small center with an interesting historical background. The name Rodi Kopany was derived from the words ‘Road Company’ because back in the day a campsite for the laborers building the tarmac roads in the region was located there. It would appear the…

Field Recording Report by Kahithe Kiiru Story

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…us Luo ohangladrum); ENDONYI – a medium sized two-skin drum played with wooden sticks; EBESI – larger two-skin drum (bass); EFURIMBI – a whistle; OLWIKA – antelope horn; MANYANGA – shakers made out of a metal tin filled with seeds. We recorded ten (10) songs, presented in groups according to the occasion they are normally played in, notably general entertainment, burial and wedding songs. We also recorded Magic Moments with Ekhunjwe instrumentalis…

Introduction: Project overview and objectives Story

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…Kenya. Most of the field recordings this report is based on were thus conducted in Lake Region of Kenya, notably in Kisumu and Siaya Counties. The details of these recordings will be described in a day to day report and followed by an evaluation of their success and comments on the general framework of the project series….

Day 2 – Sunday 2nd July 2017 Story

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…duong (a foot ring placed on the thumb toe). He then explained the way he tunes his instrument and confirmed our presumption that the tuning techniques vary from player to player, as well as the fact that not all know how to do it correctly. Meshack Okoth Okumu K’orengo then played for us, accompanied with a choir of 5 men of different age, 3 tunes on his nyatiti. The tunes were recorded as follows: Koblo gi long maratong’ Owino Konjwang’ Ojung’ K…

Day Three: January 20th, 2019 Story

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…ich is a comedy circus act, is from Ikungu lya nkoma and performs in the Bununguli style. They are from the Sukuma community and were formed in 1981. They played the Ng’oma and entertained the kids with circus acts involving fire, razor blades, knives, etc… It wasn’t really part of the Singing Wells Field Visit but we were thrilled to stumble across it! From the village, we then drove a little over three hours to Mwanza, and stayed at Malaika Beac…

Day 4 – Tuesday 4th July 2017 Story

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…th his sharp memory and stories of fellow players and of makers from the olden days. He started playing in 1950, yet although his father Omondi Undugu also used to play, he learned by observation from another player – Ogola Sewe from the same location. He could remember and retrace all the nyatitis he had previously owned, mentioning how he bought the first one at 8 Kenyan shillings in 1951 from a certain Undego Koile. He stated that he never owns…

Unyago Group

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alk about to themselves – very suggestive songs but using innuendo, so all deniable if called out. Traditionally, these were all songs that were part of wedding rituals and used to prepare the bride. Songs about girls becoming women. The singers come from the Wagindo people, who came from Malawi to Zanzibar, probably through the slave trade. When the British stopped the slave trade they then stayed. This band has a strong African influence. The ma…

Global Influences Project: Artist Submissions Page

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…ase of Watmon Cultural Group loop for example, the plucked instrument provides both melodic and a groove to the track.I used that as a starting point and built everything else around it.I used the Otacho Young Stars Shoe Shine Box loop to add some movement to the drums and arpeggio and I was really happy with how the rest of the elements came together in this piece.” To hear more work from Ng’at Maler, you can follow him at @ngatmaler MAKOSSIRI X…

Liwambwe Group

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…d on for three years. They had unique drums, including small drums with wooden spikes on bottom to be embedded in sand, called the Siganga. They also had a pair of drums called the Likuti and a long drum called the Msondo, and a very long thin drum called a Neya. In the dance they had a character in a mask called a Lipiko, who wore a vest called a Mjuga. They played five songs: Malala Kujunga: Essentially means ‘be calm and quite, we are about to…