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…trip for his entire group. The Watmon Cultural Group was created by Watmon to promote the preservation of Ugandan cultural heritage through music and dance. With almost 50 members, the youngest being only seven years old, they play an electric combination of rhythmic beats and intricate melodies, which are supported by energetic dancing. The group performed for President George Bush during a state visit to Uganda and they were also recorded in 201…

Likembe Instrument

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…oden block with metal prongs attached, staggered and of different lengths, to create different notes. Sometimes they are placed on resonators, such as an over turned metal bowl, to create lower notes. The sound is very similar to that of a calypso steel drum band. The Rubanga Kingom Awach Boys are a full likembe band, with about 8-10 likembe players in each performance. Their likembes range from 6 to 20 inches, with the largest played on an over t…

Conclusion: Challenges and Recomendations Story

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…t is our hope that common findings and understandings would arise, leading to betterment of future Masters programmes’ concepts and field recording missions. Surely the most obvious difficulty we had to deal with is the time limitation. The entire programme was shot in 11 days, which included master classes and a studio session in Nairobi. Considering the ambitious amount of information we wished to gather from each interviewee (as per the origina…

Day Three: January 20th, 2019 Story

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…! We recorded five performances: Busumabuno Kulima: A song about farming Watoto wakalime Freestyle on Kulima Magic Moment Busumabudo, focus on percussion https://youtu.be/dHeTdA5m5gQ Group 3: Awilo: The group, which is a comedy circus act, is from Ikungu lya nkoma and performs in the Bununguli style. They are from the Sukuma community and were formed in 1981. They played the Ng’oma and entertained the kids with circus acts involving fire, razor bl…

Day Six: January 24, 2019 From Mwanza to Dodomo to Nzali to Nairobi Story

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…d three performances: Tamasha la kumi: a song about ten principal rules on how to live a meaningful and productive life within society. Mapambano: a song against FGM and early girl child marriage. Vibibi Viwili: a warning song on alcohol and drug abuse. Group Four: Hiari Ya Moyo: This group was formed in 1957 by their grandfathers and is located in Dodoma. They are from the Wanyamwezi Community and performed in the Ngoma Style.   Their instruments…

Day Three: 9 March 2022 (Kisumu) Story

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…kshop. A self-taught musician, Olith Ratego later used his woodwork skills to create a novel five-stringed instrument he named okoddo after his great-grandfather, Okoddo Madanda, who was known to his peers as a fierce warrior and revered as a mythical figure by members of his community. Olith Ratego is an ingenious vocalist, a gift he inherited from his mother, Maria Anyango Odari, who was an accomplished singer in her own right. His musical style…

Field Recording Report by Kahithe Kiiru Story

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…est hits, songs that any Kenyan can easily identify with: “Kweli Ndugu”; “Mtoto si Nguo”; “Sengula Nakupenda”; “Kunywa Kidogo” and “Watu Wanasema Uongo”. Fadhilee’s reaction to this last session was worth the wait, as he discovered the author of “Kweli Ndugu”, a song he had done a cover of years ago. Therefore, we recorded one last Influences with Fadhilee playing the song alongside Mukabi. The day was closed with a photo session ringing together…

Royal Entenga Drummers Group

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…h Albert and Shaban, a professional drummer who now leads the new band, they built a new set of Royal Drums, recruited a team of passionate drummers to learn how to play the drums, learned to tune the drums and ultimately learned to play new music….

Support Singing Wells Page

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…is funded by the Abubilla Music Foundation, the below link will direct you to make a donation to the Abubilla Music Foundation: — CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOW — Donate your time, products or services We are always keen to hear from people who are happy to offer their time to help the project and from companies which may be able to support us with products or services free of charge. If you can help out in this respect please contact: info@singingwells…

Bukaala Twesitule Troupe Group

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…d the factors influencing the spread of HIV and how the community can come together to deal with it. Very tragic song telling the story of deaths with man sobbing at one point. “Akabira” (Worship Song): Means a small forest where spirits tend to run, deep in the trees and high in the mountains. But they are not always well cared for and they then tend to cause havoc with the rest of family members. “Omwenge” (a local brew): This is about how the l…

Singing Wells Stories Page

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…f trying to help preserve traditional music is to try and make it relevant to today’s audiences and musicians and this goes a long way to helping. Since the field trip, we are pleased to report that Akello has been performing more with the Watmon Cultural Group (our group of the month for September – read more about that here. To read more about Akello and her part in Influences, click here: Akello To hear her collaboration with the Watmon Cultura…

Ayub Ogada Group

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…of form type of interview. Although a Luo himself, Ayub had never learned how to play the nyatiti in a traditional setting. He picked it up later in his career and studied from a player/teacher at the national cultural centre of Bomas of Kenya in the 1980s. He remembers he had gone for 6 lessons (at a 100 shillings) only and then continued practicing and experimenting by himself. It was equally interesting to hear his theory of the name nyatiti,…

Day Four: 10 March 2022 (Rongo) Story

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…ls for these musicians to enable them to develop a better understanding of how to improve their performances. These adjustments were of utmost importance in making it easier for these rural and peri-urban based musicians to migrate their shows and concerts to online platforms in order to reach wider audiences and create new revenue streams. As we headed back to Nairobi on Friday, 11th March 2022, we had lively discussions on ways and means of empo…

Global Influences Project: Loop Library Page

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…ingwells · SW Samples – Ekhunjwe Musical Group 153BPM Click here to check out how Global Influences artists have used these loops to create their own pieces of work…

Global Influences Project: Artist Submissions Page

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…s of this track and it’s amazing how well they have incorporated the loops to create a contemporary sounding beat. “It was great working with the samples because they are not just like any random sample from the internet, they have a story behind them and you can look up where the sample you are using came from and learn more about the culture and the people that make them. It’s important to us that we have sounds from our region represented in th…

Day One: The Iteso People and their Music Story

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…a salt shortage from years back, when they learned to burn certain plants to create salt taste from the ashes. Obasie switched to the Ageregere and played three songs: Omaune: This song is about a greedy man who eats alone and doesn’t share his food or time. Okitalee He then switched to the accordion and played three songs: Akidaun Ipejok Ore: A song welcoming visitors to the home. O’enera: Alomuni Kitsese Ko Djibouti: A song about the country yo…