4 Search Results for: ❤️ BEDSTE DATING SITE️: [url

Mumias United Group

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…Mumias United was founded in 1997 by Francesca Odour. They have 38 members and 22 showed up for our performance. They perform in the Imbira style. They are part of the Wanga tribe, which is a sub-group of the Lua, known for their Kings (Nabongo). We performed next to the mausoleum where four kings were buried, dating back to 1700s….

Day Three: Bungoma Town to Kakamega Story

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…Nabongo). We performed next to the mausoleum where four kings were buried, dating back to 1700s. They had lots of dancers and instruments, including: Sukuti: Three drums Ikdengele: Ring Inyungu Isiongo: a pot with a cool ‘drum stick’ like a rubber plate. Ing’oma: skinned drums Manyanga: bottle top rattles Tsisala: Sticks Lisanduku: A wooden box on which you scrap a stick. Out of context, this sounds like finger nails on a chalkboard. But in contex…

Music Depositories and Archives around the World News

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Published in: News & Views

…e is quite dated; read Peter Cooke’s profile to hear his suggestions for updating the system, where his work is archived.   4. Smithsonian Folkways Smithsonian Folkways is a not for profit record label, set up by the Smithsonian Institute, the world largest museum and research complex in America. Incoporated in 1948, under the name Folkways Records & Service Co., in New York City by Moses Asch and Marian Distler, it was one of the first record lab…

Discovering music roots with SWP News

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…ca and we’d gotten on fine. I was looking forward to meeting Jimmy. Tall, burly American now domiciled in the UK. One look at him and I saw a professional we could do business with. I immediately loved his good nature too. We ferried them to their hotel and let them recover from the shock of encountering a moon directly overhead. The next day, Sunday, they were busy at our studios before we ushered them to Sippers Restaurant where we’d lined up a…