Stories > Field Reports

Day 6: The Studio @ Traveller’s Rest Hotel, Kisoro

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DAY 6: An amazing day at the ‘Hotel Studio’, recording for the first time the Gatera Community (Alice’s community) and the Kabahenda Community.  And the return of Francis and the Birara vocalists, and the Magic Bass Guitar… The day began with the return of Francis Sembargare from the lovely ‘Community on a Hill’.    We started…

Day 5: Recording the Mperwa Dancers

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DAY 5: Welcome to the most beautiful setting for a music recording session.  Today we visit the Mperwa Community. The second day of recording – beautiful sunshine in morning and there’s a patten emerging.  Morning sunshine, afternoon rain, then the power goes out.  Then the locusts attack.  But let’s focus on the morning.  This morning we recorded…

Day 4 (later): Recording for ‘Influences’ with the Birara Dancers

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DAY 4: We continued our recording of the Birara Dancers when we invited four of the performers (Francis and the three lead female vocalists) back to the Traveller’s Rest Hotel in Kisoro. Jennifer who manages the hotel is brilliant.  She allowed us to set up a recording studio, under the verandah of her hotel, just outside the bar.   We…