Kasagat Traditional Dancers
Music of the Kalenjin Iten, Kenya
Music of the Kalenjin Iten, Kenya
Music of the Kalenjin Iten, Kenya
Music of the Luo Aluny Village, East Alego, Kenya Group Leader: Okumu K’Orengo
Music of the Luo Rongo, Kenya
Music of the Batwa Kanyabukunga Batwa Community, Kisoro District, Uganda Lead Vocalist: Gaudancia Kampire
Music of the Batwa Kisoro, Uganda
Music of the Batwa Kisoro, Uganda
Music of the Batwa Kisoro, Uganda Group Leader – Francis Sembagare; vocalists: Paskazia Nyirakarombo, Vastina Ayinkamiye, Jolly Naiti
Music of the Luo Aluny Village, East Alego, Kenya Group Leader: Organda Joginda
Music of the Mijikenda Group Leader: Futuma Ali Mwacherure. Performers: Ali Bora Kopo, Binti Amadi, Chimetse, Mwanamtiti,…
Music of the Mijikenda Vuga, Kwale County, Kenya Group Leader: Matano Mwachiti; performers: Mwanasiti Mwacheruphe, Nchoga…