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…) the better! Muwewesi Xylophone Group Unsurprisingly for the Muwewesi Xylophone Group, the Xylophone is the star of the show. A giant xylophone lays across the floor, played by 8 musicians, alongside vocalists, pipe flute players and tube fiddle players. Based in Nakisenye, East Uganda, we visited the group in 2013, and when we arrived we found that the band had been there since morning preparing – they had dug the pit for the xylophone, with the…

Kika Boys Cultural Troupe Group

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…wanted, in your heart you become very thankful but not telling everyone who might be envious. “Tweyanze”: We are thankful and appreciative. Sung when someone has been given something. It is an appreciation song….

Matia Kakumirizi Group

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…om the Kiki Boys Cultural Troupe. The song talks about challenges you face when you’re renting a house. Someone should work so hard to build his or her own house. The neighbours might be difficult to deal with if you rent. “Najjemba”: It is about a woman who was his love but who left him and walked away. “Ensubuko Y’Obwavutulo Twakunkya”: This song talks about morning sleep and about hard working women. Unlike those days when women used to wait fo…

Watmon Cultural Group Group

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…ded the family cattle or worked on the farm. He lived in Awedi until 1991, when he moved to Kampala, due to the rebel fighting. He started a small group of dancers, performing Acholi traditional dance which he had learnt when he was young, both from grandfather in his village and from watching dancers at village events. He went around his district in Kampala, telling people he would like to start a dance troupe, and was met with a positive reactio…

Day Four: 10 March 2022 (Rongo) Story

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…was too much of a mouthful and the locals simplified it to ‘Rodi Kopany’. When Ben Mukabwa returned to Kakamega after our last recording in Kisumu, Dave Otieno joined us in Rongo and teamed up with Fiston Lusambo to continue our experimental fusion of contemporary elements with traditional sounds of Western Kenya region. Dave and I go back a long way as we worked together on several musical projects under the Nairobi City Ensemble. Other notable…

Busolwe Post Test Club Group

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…meanings “Olumbe Namuna”: Killer Disease – about HIV/Aids “Bamiisi Muwulire”: Listen People “Daudi”: The song is about a boy in the village that is going astray. The singers advise him to get a job and settle down and find a woman. “Mabega Dance”: The song is about when you see someone who is happy and you know they have good fortune. But when you see them unhappy you know they are having problems. Magic Moment featuring the Tube Fiddle and Flutes…

The Revival of the Entongooli Page

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…e look at how to shape these trees to create and tune each note on the Xylophone. From Embaire to Entongooli: Part 2 In this video, we continue to learn about the process of building the Embaire, also known as the xylophone, to help educate our young music scholars about music, melody and instrument building. We are shown how they finish off their Embaire and then talk to some young students about what they have learned. What is clear from our tri…

Mr Bado Group

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…including in the USA as part of the Smithsonian Folklife Festival 2014. He released his album Kama Kazi with Ketebul Music. He mixes an impressive combination of styles, and part of his mission is to help preserve styles such as Taarab which are fading on the modern music scene. To do this, he performs at cultural events with his father and brothers, as the Nyerere Wa Konde Music Club. We filmed a great session with Mr Bado and Mzee Nyerere wa Kon…

Day Four: January 21 2019 Mwanza Story

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…s group, from the Sukuma community, was formed in 2010 and performs with a number of styles: Bukomia Lume, Buchheye, Wigashe. Their instruments are: Ng’oma (Drums), Pembe (animal horns, large impala), Firimbi (flute), and Njuga (shakers). We recorded five performances: Ntale Atabihyala: ‘The boss, who is always wrong, wants to be always right. Just accept it’ Ba Tanzania (Malima):   Praising country, encouraging farmers and hard work – this song h…

Mchele Mchele Sanaa Group Group

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…This group, from the Sukuma community, was formed in 2010 and performs with a number of styles: Bukomia Lume, Buchheye, Wigashe. Their instruments are: Ng’oma (Drums), Pembe (animal horns, large impala), Firimbi (flute), and Njuga (shakers).  …

3. Background of the Naizungwe drums Story

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…ated into the eleven chiefdoms that later united to form Busoga [kingdom]. When the central government abolished kingdoms in 1967, the bigger administrative structures were weakened. Clans remained because they represent people’s birth, life and death. The larger more political structures [ie. the eleven chiefdoms] were demonized by the central government and all meetings at that level stopped. When the top structures died, the clan structures als…

The Singing Wells podcast #3 Podcast

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…Here is podcast number 3. In this podcast, we look at the development of Abubilla Music – one of the partners in The Singing Wells project – from initial idea, to music label. There are interviews with members of the SMCC, and music from the SMCC, Louise Calf, Gus Warriner, Tati Kalveks, Chris Kozlowski and Ketebul artist Winyo.   Click here to download the podcast….

The Kalenjin of Kenya Album

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…rs and the Kewamoi Women Dancers both featured. The latter – a nice addition to the lineup, as the field day coincided with World Women’s Day. Eddie Grey was part of the team for the recordings, and he joined a number of groups to join them for Influences recordings. Two of these have been included on the album – his guitar playing accompanying The Elimu Cultural Promoters and the Kewamoi Women Dancers….

Conclusion: Challenges and Recomendations Story

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…echnical or other difficulties that may occur should be taken into account when creating a schedule. The timeframe issue could also be ameliorated by a pre‐recording field mission – a recce. In that sense, all participants would be informed on the date they are to be filmed much more in advance, and the recce could preselect them according to their knowledge and accessibility. I believe recces have been a part of previous Singing Wells projects an…

Day 9 – Sunday 9th July 2017 Story

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…g to Hornbostel– Sachs(2), all four would be classified as composite chordophones, more precisely under the 321.2 category of: “Yoke lutes or lyres – The strings are attached to a yoke which lies in the same plane as the sound‐table and consists of two arms and a cross‐bar.” Through a group interview, we attempted to compare them in: size (size of resonator; length of arms and per extension of strings); materials of fabrication (types of wood); bo…

Day 1 – Saturday 1st July 2017 Story

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…yatiti’s shape (resembles the traditional Luo hut shape), symbolism of the number (8) of strings of the nyatiti, his tuning techniques and order of string tuning, together with the story of his personal attachment to his instruments collection (owns 14 nyatitis). Upon our arrival to Kisumu City, we had another semi‐formal interview that would birth ideas for other hypothesis and arguments to follow up on. We met Meshack Okoth Okumu, who was to be…