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…eflecting years of training and practice in the ‘village classroom.’. Each of these musicians has learnt from the traditions and stories that have gone before them., often starting their own training as toddlers dancing and singing along to the village music. Whether young or old, keeping to the rules or creating new fusions, what is a common thread tying all of these experiences together is the longing to remain true to their families, to their v…

Kithara Group

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…orry” Composed by Rajab 8 years ago Pendo Langu Ledhibiti – means “Keep it Well” No 7 Instrumental – traditional old song of the community….

The Sega Sega Band Group

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…Music of the Luo Rang’ala, Nyanza province, Western Kenya Lead Vocalist: Osumba Rateng…

Nyota Ze Meremeta Group

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…. For 50 years he’s taught music in Zanzibar and promotes other musicians. Other members of this group include: Ramadhan Muhidan (accordion), Ali Ibrahim Musa (Kanan or Qanun), Tatu Hamisi Amur (accordion), Asha Khemisi Amur (violin) and Malick Anas (fiddle). Malick is 75 and has played with the Professor since 1961. All songs were very Arab influenced by all the lyrics are Swahili. They played five songs: Bashraf Ilyas: An instrumental song writt…

Camera Group

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…Camera, who has been performing since 1999, is from Nzega and from the Sukuma community, playing in the Kadete style. Camera plays the Kadete (like the Zeze from earlier and Orutu from Kenya). He is an extremely cool cat, who we actually discovered walking the streets with his instrument during the RECCE….

4 the Mzinga Group

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…Music of the Mijikenda Kilifi, Kenya Group Leader: Alfonce Kazungu; performers: Kii Chone, Charehe, Karisa Sirya, Kokoro, Moser, Jeph, Salalabi, Malimbo wangoa, Esther, Kadzo, Agnes, Zaimaba, Halima, Kanza…

Peter Akwabi Group

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…on the eng’omadrum, and his brother Sylvanus Anyangu on the second guitar and other bottle (ichupa)….

Ekhunjwe Musical Group Group

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…also chairs the County Culture Committee and says he is “biased towards ethnomusicology” because “that’s where the beauty of the music lies”….

Nyunyusa Dance Troupe Group

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…ven songs: Jembe ni Mali: a song to encourage farming Kilongo Salale: a call to unity Rasilmali Ya Mnyonge: The worth of a poor man. Bendera Ya Taifa: The flag of the nation The Snake Dance Sarakasi: Circus. This is another performing comedy song. Ngokwa…

Muturi wa Wandindi Group

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…  Muturi wa wandindi (Actual name is Geoffrey Mutwiri, Mbaraka). He is from Kigane Village, Nkevene Sub-location, Nicwene Division. He started performing in 1964 and is from the Ameru Ethnic Community. He plays the Wandindi (thus his performance name), which is a ‘tube fiddle’, or what the Luo call the Orutu.  …

Day two: From Sirisia to Mabuyole Falls Story

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…ends gradually made instruments and learned to play them while taking care of their cattle. By 1992 they were good enough to call themselves a ‘serious’ band. The founder started by playing the Lituneu. His brother joined him for a while and brought the Shirili, the single stringed instrument similar to the Orutu. After 23 years his brother formed his own band. Weput Khulu Namatete (Samuel) then recruited new members and the band has stayed very a…

Day Four: Ikolomani to Amalemba Story

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…hbour that gave his cow to someone else. But the receipient then took care of the care and it had calves. The original owner than seized by the cow and all its calves with no warning. Alusiola is the name of the original owner. Modesta: A long song about a girl that left her husband because he was too poor. She went away and earned lots of money and returned to him. He realized that she did love him but needed them to have more money so he was gra…

Day Five: Ilesi, Khayega to Kisumu Story

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…village where they live. As with many groups over the last two days, most of their songs are for processions, like weddings, funerals, bullfights or rites of passage. So they tend to play 3-4 songs in a row to match the procession. We asked them to pick their favourite processions and then play a couple songs within these. They played: The Shirembe procession, which is a special funeral for a very big local hero, where you might even stage a bull…

Our Sponsors Page

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…recording day, Uganda 2013 Thank you to The Mara Group for sponsoring one of the field recording days during our visit to Central Uganda in November 2013. The donation was dedicated to our recording day in Mbale. Click here to read our field report from that day. We were also delighted to welcome Brad Gibbs from Mara to our recording session in Entebbe on our last day in Uganda – click here. Click here to find out more about Mara and the projects…

South Teso Jazz Group

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…t. This group plays an interesting folk local sound and is very popular in the area. They combine several adeudeu(arched harps) of various sizes and functions, notably: ADEUDEU BASS – 6-strings instrument played by two people sitting on it; struck as a percussive by player in the back; RHYTHM ADEUDEU – 10-string adeudeu; ADEUDEU SEKETA – 9-string adeudeu; SOLO ADEUDEU – 5-string adeudeu, smallest in size. This string sound is complemented with a h…

Shitakha & Balozi Band Group

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The band was founded by Eric Shitakha in 2007 and is from the village of Likhovero. There are normally 8 people in the group. All songs are traditional but arranged by Eric and his partner Moses Alusa. Their style is Milbo. They use drums and shiriri, but also a Shikhorli which we haven’t seen before. This is a shaker/bell, where two ball bearings of different sizes/tones are welded into metal pouches and then he plays. Moses is considered the be…