53 Search Results for: VIPREG2024 1x bet bonus code Western Sahara

Field Recording Report by Kahithe Kiiru Story

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…Ketebul Music. It reports on the field interviews and recordings conducted between Busia, Bungoma, Kakamega and Vihiga Counties in the Western Region of Kenya in the period from 17thto 25thFebruary 2018.   DAY 1 – Saturday 17th February 2018 The first day of recording for “Rhythms of Western Kenya” took place in Busia County, in the Samia sub-county. This sub-county was named after the Samia sub-group of the Luhya ethnic community who make the maj…

Day Five: February 20, 2020 (DCMA) Story

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…ul, dynamic fusion of Taarab, Traditional African rhythms and contemporary Western and African sounds. Performers:  Tarajazz: Suleiman Makame (keyboard, director), Hassan Mahenge (Saxophone, assistant director), Mahsin Basalama (contra base), Christopher Weston (Cajon and high hat), Regina Juma (singer). There was supposed to be a violin player but unfortunately he couldn’t make it.   Kirundo: Lukoa Nenes (sticks), Joshua Muyumovela  ( shakers), N…

Fadhilee Itulya Staff Profile

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His full name is Fadhilee Itulya. He was born in 1988 in Kakamega, western Kenya, but raised in Nairobi. Fadhilee’s dream is to unveil the authentic Kenyan sound that will be a bridge between what has been there and what is going to come. His love affair with the guitar started with the three chords he was taught by his mother on her guitar. From there he advanced on his own, becoming a nuisance in their house in Saika Estate in Nairobi’s Eastlan…

Day One: The Iteso People and their Music Story

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…ee now. His full name is Fadhilee Itulya. He was born in 1988 in Kakamega, western Kenya, but raised in Nairobi. In his words, Fadhilee’s dream is to “unveil the authentic Kenyan sound that will be a bridge between what has been there and what is going to come”. His love affair with the guitar started with the three chords he was taught by his mother on her guitar. From there he advanced on his own, becoming a nuisance in their house in Saika Esta…

Day Two: January 19, 2019 From Tarime to Buturi to Bariadi Story

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…e Mara Regio (Roria District) was formed in 2012. They are from the Abhasimbete community. Their style is Rirandi and they play the Zeze/Endongwe (a one stringed instrument similar to the Kenyan Orutu and Ugandan Rigi Rigi), Rirandi (a giant horn, similar to the Uganda Big Wala, but made with 6 gourds, not one), Ekeborogo (flute), the Ekedomwa (drums), Ama’ghorro (huge leg shakers), and Firimbi (whistle). They wore Amahunsho (grasses that are atta…

Kahithe Kiiru Staff Profile

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…r with Ketebul Music since 2015 and worked on Ngoma Zetu(2016) and Singing Wells Masters of the Nyatiti(2017) and Signing Wells Western Kenya(2018) projects….

The Luo of Kenya Album

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…corded as part of the Singing Wells trip to record the Music of the Luo in Western Kenya. The album begins in Rang’ala village – with The Sega Sega band led by Osumba Rateng, and then a Dodo group led by Ogoya Nengo. We next move to Aluny Village – with performances from The Joginda Boys, Otieno Aloka and the late Okumu K’Orengo and his Nyatiti Group. The Kochia Traditional Dancers gave a very visual performance, and one of their tracks, recorded…

Introduction: Project overview and objectives Story

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…Ketebul Music. It reports on the field interviews and recordings conducted between Kisumu and Siaya Counties in Lake Region of Kenya and Nairobi City in the period from 1st to 12th July 2017. https://youtu.be/NqomPAxomxI “Masters of the Nyatiti” being a pilot programme for a new project series under Singing Wells, one of the objectives of this report is to reassess the original concept based on experiences from the field and to point out encounter…

Day Three: February 18, 2020 (Stonetown, Mpendae, Maungani) Story

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…the students at the DCMA study traditional music such as Taarab as well as Western music. Members of the group: Suleiman Makame (keyboard, director), Hassan Mahenge (Saxaphone, assistant director), Mahsin Basalama (contra base), Christopher Weston (Cajon and high hat), Regina Juma (singer). There was supposed to be a violin player but unfortunately he couldn’t make it.   Songs:  Alamina Dura – The orbit of the Gods Pakistan – written by Siti Binti…

Nyangile Instrument

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…A resonating box – hit by the player with a wooden stick, who often holds ongeng’o rings in their hand and feet to add more rhythmic potential. We heard the Nyangile, also referred to as the Sanduk (Swahili for Box), played by a member of the Otacho Young Stars, when we recorded them at Dinkys Resort Club, Rongo, as part of our field trip to record the music of the Luo in Western Kenya….

Day One: 7 March 2022 (Shikangania and Mukumu) Story

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…nya regularly performs in Kakamega town but his popularity goes beyond the Western Kenya region and is frequently invited for shows in Nairobi city. Other members of the Super Phoenix band are Henry Khavuchi (percussions), Catherine Khavayi (vocals), Justice Akumali (vocals) and Bernard Liseche (guitar). Julius is married to Joyna Khamayi and the couple reside with their six children in Chesere village in Kakamega County. During this live show, th…

Ketebul Music Group

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…Ketebul means “drum sticks”; the word is derived from the Luo language of Western Kenya. The name was a natural choice for an organization that has a vision of an African society that celebrates its cultural identity and also recognizes the special role that artistes play every day in people’s lives. History of Ketebul Music Ketebul Music was established in early 2007 with the ambitious vision to carry out research and promote the diverse fusion…

The Sega Sega Band Group

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…Music of the Luo Rang’ala, Nyanza province, Western Kenya Lead Vocalist: Osumba Rateng…

Day Three: 9 March 2022 (Kisumu) Story

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…o style is one of the oldest forms of music performed by the Luo people of Western Kenya. Olith Ratego is a self-taught musician who plays a musical instrument fashioned by himself. It is a replica of the nyatiti (an eight stringed traditional lyre), which he calls okoddo and is modified to the pentatonic scale. Olith Ratego’s recording session went uninterrupted and was completed shortly before 6:00pm. The last group to be recorded was the newly…

Day Two: 8 March 2022 (Ilesi) Story

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…a little time to play in sync with the polyrhythmic beats of the Iteso of Western Kenya. When the tuning session was finally figured out the actual recording started at about 17:00 hours. The three sisters and their two brothers have pleasantly matured musically and it was really encouraging to see them helping to keep their father’s legacy alive. All was done a few minutes to 8:00pm. After the routine photo shoot the Obasie Palnyang brothers and…

Day Zero: 6 March 2022 – Travel To Stream Story

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…s for musicians based in remote areas. Our mission to travel and stream in Western Kenya was made possible by funds from Hivos, with the additional support from the Abubilla Foundation. Travel to Stream After one week’s training and familiarization with the new software and equipment, we took the road to Western Kenya on the morning of Sunday, 6 March 2022. The Ketebul Music team met at our new offices at the GoDown Arts Centre on Kayahwe Road off…