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Day One: January 18, 2019. Assemble in Tanzania Story

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…Jimmy and Hunter arrived from London on the 17th. We all met at the Kenya/Nairobi border and after two hours, cleared the border and drove to Tarime, where we met Jackline Odhiambo Aringo (Jackie Akinyi), a Tanzanian musician who helped organize our trip (see our interview with Jackie here). We arrived at the Kifa Hotel late in the evening, ordered our ‘dried fish’ and crashed. This, our second major field visit to Tanzania, begins tomorrow. The T…

Day 4 – Tuesday 4th July 2017 Story

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…ately a rather difficult interview to conduct because of the interviewee’s reservations, as well as for reasons of bad weather that chased us away before we could complete it. However, we did manage to find out several interesting information, notably, on his beginnings as a player and on the instrument manufacturing itself. Alex Ogwe confirmed our two generation theory and said he only started playing once his father was gone. He also gave us an…

Uganda: music of the Batwa Gallery

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…, Uganda where we recorded the music of the Batwa. The journey started in Nairobi where the team boarded a flight to Kigali, Rwanda. From there we travelled by road to Kisoro where we stayed at the Traveller’s Rest Hotel. Our hosts were from the United Organisation for Batwa Development in Uganda (UOBDU) who arranged for us to record the performances of six Batwa communities from the district of Kisoro – Birara, Mpwera, Kanyabukunga, Micyingo, Gat…

Day Zero: 6 March 2022 – Travel To Stream Story

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…is quickly shifting to a dependence on access to Internet connectivity and online streaming services. This solution works well for urban-based performers where the infrastructure exists and is relatively easy to access, but does not apply to those based in peri-urban areas and villages with limited or no access to the relevant infrastructure. Bearing in mind these challenges facing rural-based musicians, we at Ketebul Music were prompted to recons…

Day Zero: February 15, 2020 – Assemble in Zanzibar Story

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…ed in Nairobi on Friday the 14th of February and flew to Zanzibar on Kenya Airways on the first flight on Saturday, making our way to the Ngawala Hotel.  Temperature 33 degrees centigrade.  Partially cloudy.   Saturday was about set up, so we’ll use this ‘Day Zero’ post to fill you in on the purpose of the trip.   First, Zanzibar is an island off Tanzania, with a long colorful history.  Before it was ‘controlled’ by the Portuguese in 1503, it was…


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…tists in the country. Together with the director of Alliance Française in Nairobi, Tabu Osusa co-chairs the steering committee of the “Spotlight on Kenyan Music“ project which seeks to discover and promote young talent, performing a blend of African music. The Kenyan government through its Ministry of National Heritage and Culture also supports this project. Tabu is also the Project Coordinator of Ketebul Music’s Retracing Series. Supported by the…

Day Four: 10 March 2022 (Rongo) Story

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…ural and peri-urban based musicians to migrate their shows and concerts to online platforms in order to reach wider audiences and create new revenue streams. As we headed back to Nairobi on Friday, 11th March 2022, we had lively discussions on ways and means of empowering these marginalized creatives and on how to assist them to access global markets. They need a conducive environment that would enable them to showcase their individual musical tal…

Day Three: 9 March 2022 (Kisumu) Story

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…of Kenya who live along the shores of Lake Victoria. In 2001 he moved to Nairobi City and recorded his first song Mamano Daa which enjoyed massive radio airplay locally. However, earnings from royalties accrued from the song could not sustain him in the city and a disillusioned Olith Ratego went back to his village in Siaya County. He came back to Nairobi two years later and signed up with Ketebul Music where he released the album osuga in 2003….

1. Introducing the Naizungwe drums Story

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…Just creatures moving the path of God’s gift called life and breathing the air meant for humans.” Below are excepts from Peter Cooke’s recordings of the drums that James talks about: http://www.singingwells.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Peter-Cooke-naizungwe-recording-1.mp3 http://www.singingwells.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Peter-Cooke-naizungwe-recording-2.mp3 What makes this project particularly exciting, is the difference of approach requi…

Day 3: Monday, 2017 February 20th Story

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…ia guitarist) and his Mzee Morris’s drums. Ketebul Music first met Leo in Nairobi and helped produce his third album Bangili, which will be launched tomorrow night. Leo is very rooted in traditional Tanzanian music and his band features the Marimba (Tanzanian Xylophone) and a modified version Morris drums. He noted, “I want to play in the Morris style, but I can’t use his drums. They require fire for tuning and this isn’t practical as a gigging ar…

Ketebul Music presents Shades of Benga Online News

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…r partners and friends Ketebul Music have just launched Episode 2 of their online series Shades of Benga Online, to go alongside their book ‘Shades of Benga: The Story of Popular Music in Kenya 1946 -2016’. You can watch the latest episode below, and also find out more at their website here.   Shades of Benga: The Story of Popular Music in Kenya delves into the foundations of modern Kenyan music, examining external influences from the English walt…

Central & Eastern Uganda: Day 4, Part 2 – Flutes Story

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…orm and packed ourselves up for the hotel, and packed in the hotel for our flight on December 4th back to Nairobi. We will not provide a field report for December 4th, but stay tuned for December 5th, when we continue recording Uganda musicians, but not in a field. In a studio. To a click track. With other professionals. As we seek to revive these sounds… Read part one: reflections from our time exploring the royal instruments of the Kingdoms of U…

Central & Eastern Uganda: Day 3, Part 2 – Interviews with Musicians of Uganda’s Royal Palaces Story

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…back. But in 1967 they brought us back to pay some wages and thank us for service I think. I am worried that they aren’t training the next generation and the music will be lost. But I also know if you play the music the children will come. I know if you set up a xylophone in a village and play good music, the children will come. We can’t blame them for not liking the music – they don’t hear it. When they hear it, they come and dance. Kopoliano Ky…

Central and Eastern Kenya: Days 5-11: Ketebul Studios, Nairobi Story

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…famous Kikuyu accordion player, who played in clubs like the Roasters in Nairobi in the 70’s. The musicians were very influenced by American Country music, and one of his songs was the ‘Yoodle’ which he recorded with Merciiria. He was heavily influenced by Gacungi wa Kamau, a pioneering accordion player who was the first ‘secular player’. He often visited Wanganangu’s homeland and recruited Wangangangu to pursue a musical career. We recorded 6 so…

A Tanzanian Effort to Salvage the Music of the Past News

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…muziki wa dansi is music that practically forces spectators out of their chairs. When you hear this music in concert, says Rebecca, everyone will be dancing. But the music itself wasn’t always meant to be pure entertainment. True to his socialist roots, Nyerere wanted his songs to carry messages as well. Most of these bands were set up by the government, who employed the musicians and paid for all their instruments. Some of their songs are actuall…

Central Uganda: Day 6: Kampala to Entebbe Story

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…s a collection of traditional grass thatched huts from throughout Uganda. Fairly surprised museum guests stopped to watch us. A slightly miffed grass cutter politely agreed to hold off on his duties. We set up the band in front of one of the huts. Oh, and there were no trees. Oh, and it was sunny and hot. We cooked. Buganda Music Ensemble The Group was founded in 2004, led by Albert Bisaso Ssempeke Jr. Son of Dr. Albert Senior, a legend. Music sty…